Cholesterol Meds - Anyone ever give in and just do it?

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USN - Retired
Staff member
So, I have a pretty good diet and I know that my total cholesterol, LDL, and HDL can get a little squirrelly on cycle, which “primarily” comes from orals for me, but I know the other injectable compounds can play games…Because I’ve tested labs again after being back on just TRT 12 weeks after a good cycle and all was pretty even in the world.

Question is, has anyone just given in and started taking a cholesterol medication anyway, so that when on cycle there’s less worries of cholesterol issues, or do you all generally get labs done after a cycle on TRT only and then rinse/repeat??
Personally…tbol wreaks havoc on my cholesterol if I do it daily at higher amounts. I refrain from daily use these days and only take it here and there when I’m feeling squirrelly.

I’m the oatmeal poster boy…regular old fashion omeal puts all my cholesterol in almost perfect range. Niacin helps me too.

To answer your question…no I’ve never taken them.
I’m with Poppy on the oatmeal. I eat 120g (dry weight) of oatmeal twice a day and my LDL is 60. Personally if my cholesterol was high I would try a statin or something and if I didn’t have any intolerable symptoms I’d run it.
I gave in last year and went on Lipitor . My cholesterol dropped to 130 bud my liver enzymes went up 4x so had to stop
I take supplements for cholesterol like RED YEAST RICE, and FISH OIL 4 times a day.
I eat OATMEAL daily (Fiber).
I do CARDIO on the regular.
I get a Calcium Score done every few years to make sure nothing is sticking (plaque build up).

There is nothing wrong with Statins if you don’t have sides, they have a bad rap imho
Yeah, I have managed to get my Total and LDL back in line with optimal numbers weeks after going off of orals. I am with @Poppy on the fact that TBol wreaks havoc on my cholesterol. In fact, TBol, Adrol, and Winny have had an affect on my cholesterol and once I stop and retest 3-4 months later, all is well.

Statins have definitely gotten a bad wrap over the years, but they’re also one of the most tested, and effective cholesterol class of medications on the market with gobs of data supporting benefits, as long as you aren’t on god awefull dosing and experience the common sides with the higher doses.

I am thinking about giving it a shot like you @Kad1 and will for sure being tracking my liver enzymes and crossing fingers it doesn’t affect anything. I may wait after my February labs after being off of orals until then and see if it jumps back in range again.

I may have to give this oatmeal a shot and see if it blesses me as much as it has all of you. I try and steer clear of as much Saturated fat as possible, so hopefully I am doing things properly.
My go to oatmeal dish as of late (about 10 months) is

1/2 cup old fashioned oats

1 tbsp pb

2 scoops of now whey protein isolate vanilla

Add in hot water to desired thickness

Evenings will be 1/4 cup oats
I for sure am doing steep incline treadmill for 25 minutes twice a week, but I’ve got to do better at getting 3 days a week, because even though I’m not worried about fat loss or calorie expenditure, I need the heart healthy part of it. This coming from a guy who used to run only for a minimum of 35-40 miles/week with average weight lifting if time permitted, then quit running and started lifting about 6 years ago. I’m 46 and went from 175lbs at 6’ 2” to 220lbs.
Sounds like a good recipe for me to add in and gain the oatmeal benefit!
With the new betes meds slashing my appetite and that omeal dish…I’ve lost ~5lbs.

It’s real easy to eat and tasty so I’ve been eating it twice a day. Bfast and late snack.
I ate a version of overnight oats for bfast for years. Good stuff

Mine had coconut milk, chia seeds, honey, whipped cream cheese…and a couple of other things.

Very tasty
Ha! According to DEXA scans every 10 weeks, I hover around 12% BF. Wouldn’t say lean, but 220lb is comfortable! I would love to stay between 225-230 at 11-13%, but I just can’t keep up with that much damn eating 🤮!
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