CNN complaining says this photo is doctored

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I noticed that the other day actually he looks like the chef at the white house has been feeding him very well lol
He is a billionaire you would think that he would be immortal with all that money lol
He is just a coach potato I don’t believe that working out is part of his day.
God bless his beautiful wife she is a ride or die chick for sure lol
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I don’t think anyone would claim he’s a fitness nut. He admits his favorite meal is McDonalds and a coke. Obama used to claim that and then we saw his “workout” in the gym was like a elementary school workout. Kids were stronger then he was lol
Lol I only ever saw him play basketball besides that I didn’t even know he worked out especially because he was supposedly a heavy smoker
They actually loved it tho. The first time he did it was because the govt was shutdown and dining hall staff only had a few people. So he paid for a bunch of fast food.

Then later he did it again with some other team since the first one loved it so much.
Oh no doubt. I just think it’s funny that they got the dining hall so fancy to serve pizza and burgers. I wonder what the line cooks felt like when that order for 100 big macs came in.
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