Combining Arimidex and Nolvadex


So right now I’m considering a cycle that includes Anadrol and an elevated test dosage.

This is what I’m considering:

600mg test/wk
300mg tren/wk
100mg anadrol/day
1mg arimidex/day
20mg Nolvadex/day

I have experience taking all of these drugs except for the Anadrol. One of the things I’m afraid of is that Anadrol, while not (strictly speaking) an aromatizable steroid, it does have estrogenic side effects.

I’ve seen it suggested to take arimidex and nolvadex together in order to mitigate both the estrogen from the test and the estrogenic sides of the Anadrol (by blocking the receptors) but I’m a bit weary of this because these two drugs interact.

Specifically, arimidex and nolvadex interact by speeding the processing of each other in the liver, causing both to be active in your system for less time.

Does anyone have experience taking these two drugs in tandem? Are these good starting dosages if so?

Also, are there any good alternatives you would suggest if you don’t recommend this combination and what are they?
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Do you have experience taking 1 mg arimidex Ed? It seems excessive but there’s another guy on here that does but he’s prone to gyno issues.

Someone is going to definitely suggest you get bloods done if you haven’t and that will give you a better idea as far as doses, you may not even need it.

I’m running 20mg nolvadex and armidex but I switched to aromasin 12.5 mg 2x weekly. Why not use aromasin to avoid your concerns?
1mg a dat of ADEX will crash you so hard you won’t know what day it is. First see where you are naturally. That will help determine your needs. The problem is every one here’s AI and PCT and just buy stuff cuz they read you need it. It depends on a lot of things. Do you plan on stopping test altogether or cruise on test? Have you had gyno or estrogens on cycle?
ABOMBS. I fucking love ABOMBS… I took 50 in the morning and 50 2 hours before workouts. Fucking awesome. But, I got older and now it destroys my BP. Like off the chart feel my heart in my neck… rest of the stuff looks like a great bulk cycle while keeping you lean.
Here is my experience with arimedex and nolvadex
I am an estrogen factory and .25 per day is a good amount per day for me With nolvadex and the only reason I have ran it before is because I have some gyno and the nolvadex does help with it he issue
If the anadrol worries you enough to take more ai then just drop it and run the cycle without I’m assuming your worried about gyno the big question is have you had baseline bloodwork and cycle bloodwork done ?
Let me clarify something else to while I’m thinking about it. When I say it helps with my gyno it helps but the knots don’t go away they are always there it just seems to minimize the overall appearance and feeling
I’m running both Adex and Nolva at the same time. My Adex is at 1mg split weekly and 10mg Nolva ED. My test is at 400mg , so it’s nothing high, but I am very gyno prone, there for if I’m using any exogenous test I need to incorporate both drugs. Over the years I haven’t experienced any side effects of the 2 combined. Now I do have to say Nolva will lower your GH serum levels, I have bloods posted on here somewhere. Another route you can take is Raloxofine, alot guys prefer that over Nolva, I have no experience with Raloxofine so I don’t wanna just throw out some bro science from what I heard, but it is alot harder to obtain then Nolva, seems everyone is always sold out of it, maybe @AIPCTshop can chime in, he’s the guy who can point you in the right direction for Raloxofine.
I’m taking 1200 test cyp/600 deca a week did 4 weeks of anadrol to kick it off and kept my dex at 2mg a week Tues/Thur worked well for me, so 1mg on Tues and 1mg on Thursday.
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Unless there is some outstanding reason…In my experience its too much. Have I taken many different things when it was prophecised that 1 adex, teslac, and what ever else would help with a show. Ive done that much but I don’t see the point. We gotta have a good amt of estrogen for other things too.
first off i have done that exact thing with adex and nolva (1mg/20mg daily) and let me preface this by being open that i was not doing bloodwork properly when i did this protocol, but i had good success with keeping sides at bay, but i noticed that the farther i was from taking my shots (i was taking shots Monday and Thursday) the worst i felt from what felt like not enough E2, so basically on sunday and Wednesday i felt like a truck hit me, once again bloodwork was not being done so this was only my experience and noticing my body lingo, but i did not have estrogen issue except for the crashed type
Just curious of everyone’s opinions, Still learning here, Tren is potentially stronger than test… so any benefit of having test higher? vs having low dose of test and higher tren? And would it be beneficial to throw something in like say caber on a 19nor? Thanks
Micro dose. Too old for a punch like that. I did 30mg every day. In a couple weeks I’m going to step it up to 40mg a day. I’m currently running 800mg of TestE a week. And Proviron
So something I learned was the anabolic and androgenic rating of compounds (on paper)
testosterone has a rating of 100 anabolic and a 100 androgenic
Trenbolone has an anabolic rating of 500 and androgenic rating of 500
So on paper it’s 5 xs stronger then test and the potential sides are also 5 fold if you are susceptible.

Now you will have some additional sides from tren and Deca that can cause a spike in your progesterone and cause you to lactate depending on your doses. You will want to have caber on hand.

Now I have no experience with this and I’m still in training lol you would be surprised how many people run these compounds and don’t know this stuff. I would suggest to stick with simple compounds until you educate yourself more or at least thats what I’m doing. This is basic knowledge but I’ve only just learned it over the past couple months.
These are great questions and I’m glad your asking them and not just doing it, then telling us your lactating what should you do. That wouldn’t be fun.

Maybe these other guys can chime in because I’m a rookie lol I may be incorrect.
Maybe I misunderstood your question.
I would also urge not to take what I say as fact. Some places online say it’s 3 x more potent then test so “facts” can be conflicting. So definitely do your own research also make you own decisions and decide what you want to believe