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Sorry ugm I won’t be making jokes any more as some people can’t handle it lol. Welcome to the politically correct forum lol. @SemperFi no more crayon jokes from you.
Brooke Ence-

Not only his she sexy but she is a real athlete and transferred that imagine into film. You may have remembered her in Justice League and Wonder Women or she may have caught your eye in the Reebock Crossfit Games.

She has a skill that every women should have… she knows how to swing a sledgehammer!

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@PHD I’d say we could hug and makeup but that would be gay 😉 lollll jokes aside let’s just forget about it haha just a different of opinions. We can’t always agree.
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5 years ago I started bodybuilding seriously and 1 year ago I got started with AAS. Regan Grimes and Antoin V inspired me to fight through my depression and loss of losing a child and my ex wife. Regan dealt with horrible depression while over seas training at oxygen and Antoin has seasonal depression. I got back in the gym and copied there daily routine to keep me motivated. I didnt give up and my life is beautiful bc of it.