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SB Labs

Deca.. is it worth it?

Nandrolone is definitely a healing hormone.

Nandrolone esters are used clinically, although increasingly rarely, for people in catabolic states with major burns, cancer, and AIDS, and an ophthalmological formulation was available to support cornea healing.[17]:134

The positive effects of nandrolone esters include muscle growth, appetite stimulation and increased red blood cell production,[medical citation needed] and bone density.[18] Clinical studies have shown them to be effective in treating anemia, osteoporosis, and breast cancer.

Nandrolone sulfate has been used in an eye drop formulation as an ophthalmic medication.[1][11]
I think you might want to google that a bit… Deca for YEARS has been a source of joint health. No AAS “numbs” something. I’ve been using it for years in support of my multiple scoped and repaired knees. Hell. It’s better than getting cortisone shots. 😁
Deca is a good joint lube and good for size and strength, and triggers lower testosterone and muscle/bone density. Deca can suppress the natural production of testosterone that creates a number of adverse side effects. Deca should always be run with Test E or C. It gives Test a little kick and the Test offsets the suppressing affect… A 50/50 mix is ok, but run the test out an extra 4 weeks or so. I had good results twice with this mix, but got the decadick 1st cycle and had to PCT the 2nd cycle a bit harder…
Im 46 on trt of 210 mg week of test c and i blasted a tren cycl of tren A 100 i pinned 3 days a week for 8 weeks no sides really just to be expected. Night sweats and waking up in the middle of the night did vary well for me.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that everyone is different. The key to BB success is to find out what works for YOU. That’s true of the drugs, the volume, the intensity, the food, EVERYTHING.

Having said that, I’m with you. Deca never did shit for me. I added 60o mg to my current bulking cycle, just tot test ONE MORE TIME, but I’m not anticipating anything.

high-dose Tren OTOH…
I am very surprised you haven’t blown up at 750mgs a week.
when I ran 500mgs a week I gained 20lbs in 4 weeks. mostly water but i my strength and size jumped very quickly. it may be a calorie deficiency. I had to eat over 4000 calories a day to gain the size and strength. if youre calories are too low you wont grow.
I was doing 200 grams protein
400grams protein rest fats
but I wouldnt recommend doing decca unless you are low body fat, otherwise you balloon. all the best bro