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SB Labs

Deca.. is it worth it?

You know I’m going to give him shit since I already told him how to take it lol
Just chiming in with my own two cents. NPP in my opinion is the best anabolic outside of test. Relatively safe as far as sides goes easy on lipid profile as well as BP can be run for an extended period of time at low doses like year round at 200 mg a week perfect pairing for trt. Just need to keep eye on prolactin but the results out weigh the risks in my opinion
Can u pm me or something…i cant find the sale you guys were doing all year, i mean til end of march. I swear i saw prices. Maybe erased?
Ive always had good luck with deca, but 15 week cycles are a min. Now for mass I do gain a good bit, but not as much as it looks like on cycle. On deca i hold water like crazy.
Deca has been a staple for me most of my cycles have either been Deca or NPP it’s the king of 19 nors. I run Deca for about 25 weeks plus or npp shorter just depends on what you’re after. Definitely helps joints. Never had the dreaded Deca dick until now not sure if it’s the npp or my oestrogen tho.
I dislike deca/npp never had a good experience with it, always annoying side from bloating, acne breakout on my chest and back, ED issues. For it, deca gives me to many sides to deal with for me to consider it over other compounds. Even tren doesn’t give me as much problems at 400-500mg. Tren does make my BP go up a bit.
This time around, since I’ve been doing a split dose daily, my BP is only slightly elevated around 150/78 which I would normally have much higher BP on Tren. My normal BP sits around 130/80 just as a comparison.
Around the same for me. Normally around 130/80. On tren I’m just floating around 140-150 over 90.

I think my heart rate also increases. But I’m certain.
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It’s one of the reasons I find it hard to sleep. I can feel my heart rate jump on it. But imo it’s better to run than deca. For me it’s like this. I can run 400mg of tren and it’ll probably get me as much gains as say around 750mg of deca. But once you get around 750mg and above of deca the sides come up. You really don’t get horrible sides staying around 400mg of tren for most people. Why run Deca?

Tren is clearly the better 19nor to run out of the two.
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Whenever I get my oestrogen under control do you think Tren ace would recommendable? I’ve ran it once for 8 weeks and had to drop it as I couldn’t sleep right and was pure tired all the time and workouts suffered. I take 10mg amptitriptilne now every night I get prescribed by the doctor to help me sleep so I’m tempted to run it again.
I like Deca for joints. That’s about it. My normal BP is 120/70. And sitting heart rate is 60 bpm. Only increase I had in BP Is with ABOMBS. I GET IT UP TO 135/80. My sitting rate jumps to 72 or so. I can feel it. As far as Tren, I am about to take my first ride. I’m trying 50mg a week everyday. And was advised no more than 6 weeks for my first ride. So I will write a daily entry once I’m on to give the results. It’s going to be on the back 6 weeks of my cycle. So it will be a few before I get there.
Sorry. 25mg is what I’m doing. I’m so used to typing 50. 😂. Was told first cycle around 200mg a week is more than enough.