Deca or NPP? Which is a better option?


Well-known member
Hey guys I was going to run another cycle here in a couple weeks and am debating on running either NPP or DECA. I have never ran either and was wondering if you could give me some insight on which would be A better option for me along with dosages. I will be running it with test and proviron. Any input would be much appreciated, thanks for your time guys!
Well do you want to pin ed or EOD, once twice a week. With the npp your going to want to do EOD or ed it’s shorter acting. Deca has a longer half life and you can get away with pining once or twice a week.
I was wondering the same thing. I’ve used deca and really liked, did get some sides but nothing unmanageable…however coming off I noticed a good percentage of my gains held water.
Haven’t tried NPP but I’m going too. Here a lot that it causes less sides & water retention, good lean mass! I like that.
I would stay between 300-400 mg/wk. You can run higher doses of NPP with less sides than “big brother” Deca, but more isn’t always better.

Especially with it being the first time you have used either NPP or Deca, I would stick with a 1:1 ratio e.o.d. of Test P and NPP.
I always ran longer ester Test / Deca in a 3:1 or 2:1 ratio, and only ran NPP with Test Prop.

I would definitely advise going with whatever some of the vets and more experienced guys with NPP advise.