SB Labs

Deca to npp should I make the switch

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Been on Deca 300 mg weekly for 3 weeks. Pinned 3 times. But I got npp 100mg in and was thinking of switching too the npp. Should I wait and just finish my deca cycle or should I go ahead and switch to npp. I could also save npp for anther time. Never did ether before. I am starting to feel the deca a little bit but not kicked in all the way. I know the difference is in the ester and npp is the shorter ester and kicks in quicker but they say deca last longer. From what I read the sides is better on npp but have to pin eod which is fine. Just wondering what you guys think. Has any switched like this?
100% yes. All the benefits. With faster results. No bloat.

500 mg/week NPP, 400mg/week Test C, and 50 mg IM DBol (IM DBol also does not cause me to retain water, like I’ve heard the oral will) daily split is my favorite cycle now.

And this is unheard of for me, after cycle until next cycle, I lose none of the gains. I retain same weight, maybe slightly lower strength, but all around what I grow, stays. After a deca cycle, I lose tons of water weight.

I get outstanding results fast, literally almost Tren fast, but without all the tren side effects. (I enjoy sleeping at night so I won’t ever run tren again)

I run test a little lower than the NPP just because my body acts right in that ratio. A lot of people will get ED side effects from not running test as high or higher than nandrolone, but Mine works just fine at this level.

Also, 300mg of test is not a normal TRT dosage. You’re doing the right dosage for the amount of deca that you’re using, but TRT is 200 mg/week of test.

Try NPP and you’ll never use deca again
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WOW!! Thanks I needed to hear that. I feel like this would be the best decision To make. I am going to make the switch and see how I feel. Thanks for the information it is much appreciated!!!
I like deca better then npp, so there’s that. I’m thinkin your just wanting quicker results @Stephencrownfavored and who doesn’t right, but this process isn’t a quick one, your going to be working at forever, so what’s the rush… I would stick with the deca, if you started the deca 3 weeks ago and your already wantin to change your cycle up, it may set a pattern of you wanting to keep changing your cycles up in the middle, which can be expensive and annoying. Not that changes can’t be made ever.
I starting to feel a little rough on deca. Started getting headaches last week. They are better this week. And a lot of pimples. I gave blood yesterday to try to even every thing out. The biggest thing is the sides and also they are from two different sources. So I trust where I got the npp more than where I got the deca
Personally I like deca better feel more joint help as well. Npp I feel like just didn’t hit me as hard as the deca and wasn’t seeing results in the mirror. After 4 weeks of npp I switched to deca and was in that for 3 weeks and started to feel stronger and my joints didn’t ache like they did before.
Wow!! Ok lol. You guys are making this a hard decision lol. I still got one more day to decide. It seems like every one is about 50/50. Might just stay on program and finish deca. Hard choice
I use to not like deca, I’m a lean guy, being bloated looks real stupid on me, not to mention feels crappy, so I did use npp but I’m not about short esters either, but pre/probiotics and some wateraway pills made all the difference
Update I kept on deca and decided to pin twice a week instead of once. I am feeling better. Going to do 10 weeks (total- already did 4w) of 300mg and then switch to npp for 3 weeks for a total of 13 weeks. Going to do 100mg every other day of npp. 10 ml bottle should last about 3 weeks. S-T-Th-Sa-/ M-W-F-/ S-T-Th Does this sound about right? Thinking this should be good for first cycle
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