SB Labs

Cycle Help

I have used proviron. I might add it in. I don’t know if there’s much actual benefits of it besides on paper freeing up testosterone and some anti estrogen properties. The main thing I notice is extremely high libido.

I never felt like it was something that added much actual benefits but it’s hard to tell with it.
Most my cycles,are test,deca,proviron,and throw in superdrol here and there. And i keep it 1gram a week total at the most between whatever it is im running.
I actually never ran sdrol before. Are the side effects as bad as they say? I heard people say it feels worse than abombs with high BP and such.

Sdrol and halo are probably the only 2 compounds I have never tried.
It is toxic,i had worse BP issues with Ment,adrol Dbol,then i did with SuperD,i dont go above 30mg,and usually 2-3 weeks a clip…it compliments me…on the other hand i hear negative things from other people…you know the routine,different thing do different things to people.