Figured Id chime in on this thread & maybe what I say will reach other young people out there, kind of long but my experiences with this so far.
I just turned 24, I also within the past 1-2 years started really having bad anxiety. I’ve found that it tends to stem from me always wanting to make everyone happy & when someone is upset with me I feel as if I have failed. It doesn’t even matter who, but the closer they are to me the worse the anxiety attack is… I am pretty sure it comes from when I was a child, my dad left when I was 1 my mom left when I was 3, she came back when I was 7. Then I was torn on being with my mom again or staying with my grandparents who had raised me. I just wanted everyone to be happy & if you have ever experienced being torn between two family members like this, you understand the toll it takes on you as a child.
It gets pretty bad to the point where I am about to black out. I feel the need to hit something, but don’t & if I do I hit my leg. It starts with my just fidgeting with my fingers then I start scratching my head repeatedly. I just start balling my eyes out & hyperventilate. Thankfully most times it only last about 10 minutes or so & then I lie down & fall asleep.
I have never told anyone this & probably never will because I am so embarrassed by it, but thankfully here I can at least put it out there. I hate that I have these panic attacks & get anxious often, but no matter what, weight lifting for these past 2-3 years has 110% saved me from taking my own life. I now feel as if I can do something for myself, I can mold my body even though my body dysmorphia does not help… I just feel so much more free after I hit the gym, as if all my anxiousness is left behind me. I hate my body, I have since I was a child, my family called my chubby, friends called me chubby, I will always see myself as a chubby guy, regardless of how others see me. I feel fucking small everyday. But I know that it just has to get better, if I stop now, then I will be even more disappointed in myself.
If anyone reads this, I hope you know that one day things will be okay, may not be soon, but they will be. I know my day will come where things line up for me in my life & I look forward to that day. I am glad I am here & get to share this sport with y’all.
Lastly, if you EVER need someone to message or just let your shit out, I got you. I’ll let you type it all out, even if you don’t want me to respond. But just so you have someone to tell it to. Now lets get fucking huge & get our mental in a better space. <3