Here is a post I copied from another board. This guy is a pro. Let me know if this isn’t allowed and I will delete it.
First off, it is probably best to get a little background on the compound itself. Let me state this right away 1-test cyp is NOT testosterone so you cannot use it in place of testosterone in a cycle. I think the confusion comes in the name. People see 1-test cyp and they think testosterone with a cypionate ester. The compound is actually dihydroboldenone (DHB). This is the 5alpha reduced form of the steroid you all know as boldenone. It is nothing like boldenone or EQ however. Just like DHT (which is the 5alpha reduced form of testosterone) is nothing like testosterone.
Here are my cliff notes about what I think the positives are of this compound.
DHB does not aromatize. No gyno or water retention concerns here. Could be used as a contest prep drug.
Highly anabolic. The androgenic ratio is 200:100. Huge potential to produce significant lean body mass gains. Has a strong affinity for the receptors and seems to outcompete testosterone in the cycle (sounds similar to what trenbolone does). I had to increase my AI just a bit while using this compound.
Minimal androgenic effects. I noticed no increase in oily skin, hair loss, or increase in blood pressure. From what I could tell from researching the side effects of the compound, there were no major hepatoxicity effects or stress on the kidneys. It will shut you down though. It appears to be a pretty mild compound in terms of side effects and that is my experience with it also.
Produces extreme vascularity much better than EQ does in my opinion.
Seems to have some fat burning properties as well. It seems strange but while I was in a calorie surplus I was still dropping body fat! I need to investigate this lipolysis effect more. I have never run tren but I have heard that tren can have this effect as well which is interesting.
First 1-test cyp cycle recommendation
Here is how I would recommend running a cycle of 1-test cyp if you have never ran it before. Even though the compound has a cypionate ester and should be reaching peak blood serum levels around 4-5 weeks, I really didn’t start experiencing or noticing the results until around week 7. This has happened both times I have run this compound so my recommendation is to extend the cycle a couple of weeks beyond the standard 12 week cookie cutter cycle. 14 weeks seems to be optimum.
Intro 1-test cyp cycle:
1-4 Oral of your choice based upon your goals
1-14 500mg/wk Test C
1-14 500mg/wk 1-test C (DHB)
15-17 (Test P taper into PCT) 100mg EOD
1-17 50mg Provi ED (AM/PM)
PCT protocol of your choice
Notes on the above cycle:
The more I think about it, I like the addition of an oral to kick this cycle off. Like I mentioned before, it seems to be a slow starter and we all like seeing results right away so why not include an oral that is based upon your goals. Tbol seems like a winner here for me. Dbol or Adrol would be a great choice for a bulker. There is always the option of a test p kicker if you don’t like orals.
Due to the strong affinity of this compound for the receptors, it outcompetes the testosterone so I think that there is no need to go above 500mg because it is just going to cause more aromatization. Compared to my 500mg test e cycle, I had to increase my ai just a bit and I was using slightly less test this cycle so that is what is leading me to that conclusion. You would probably be just fine with a lower test dose but I chose 500 because most people have ran a test only cycle at 500mg/wk and can therefore get a good feel for how much extra the DHB will add to the cycle.
I chose test C to run with the cycle just to keep the esters the same but it would be no big deal obviously to use test e instead or even Sust if that is what you are used to .
Tapering seems like a good move to ease into PCT. If you like it great, if not, cut it out.
My first cycle of 1-test cyp.
This is the exact cycle that I ran for my first go of 1-test cyp and my notes and thoughts about the cycle after I ran it.
1-14 400mg/wk Test C
1-14 500mg/wk 1-test C
HGH 4iu/day
4-14 Arimidex .25mg/E3D
That cycle sold me on 1-test. My primary goal with that cycle was a recomp and it worked perfectly. I exploded and put inches on everywhere. My shoulders gained 2in, 1in on biceps, 3in around chest/back and lost ½ in around waist. By the end of the cycle I had gained a solid 9lbs and dropped 3% BF. I say a solid 9 lbs because I retained all of it after PCT, including most of the inches, so it was good lean mass and not all water weight. The vascularity and strength gains were pretty insane. The vascularity effects I received from it lead me to believe that this would be an excellent pre-contest compound. My biceps looked like I had fire hoses running through them and I had spider web veins spreading across my chest and shoulders. All of this was noticeable with a BF of 9-10%. I can only imagine the results at 4-5% BF. Towards the end of my cycle when my BF was the lowest, I also noticed that more dense, hard, and grainy look to my muscles. Once again I can only imagine how that would have looked on stage at 4%, but I was still impressed how it gave that hard polished looked at 9%BF.
I noticed no negative side effects from it. I had tons of energy, libido great, no mood swings and didn’t experience any insomnia. Alpha feeling all the way. The one thing that I did notice was that I still had to keep up with my AI, a little bit more than what I needed for a test only cycle at 500mg/wk. 1-test supposedly doesn’t aromatize to any appreciable degree so my increased use of AI has me somewhat perplexed. I am just speculating here, but this could be due to the fact that 1-test has a much greater affinity for the receptors than the test which may be leaving more test left over to aromatize.
I should also mention I experienced no pip from this compound. I had two different brands during my run and both were smooth. Many people seem to shy away from this compound because they here of these pip horror stories from it. I should mention that if you are allergic to EO, guiaicol, and all that stuff then this is not a compound for you. This is one of the hardest compounds to keep in solution and some hefty amounts of solvents are present in it.
As far as dosing with this compound, I see no need to go above 500mg. This stuff is strong and the results are dramatic. It is supposedly 5x more anabolic than test and I believe that to be true. The test only cycle I ran fails in comparison with the addition of the 1-test and I was running less test during this cycle.
I think 1-test is a very versatile compound and as always your diet will dictate the results. I really think it would particularly shine as a cutter since it doesn’t seem to aromatize to any appreciable degree and it really seems to bring out awesome vascularity as well as polishing the muscles with that hard, grainy and dense look. My next contest prep is likely going to include 1-test with either mast or var and very low test.
I am going to be starting an EQ run in a week, so it will be interesting to compare the two. They say that about 5% of EQ converts to DHB.
I am also currently running a cycle of 1-test cyp in preparation of a show I will be competing in. This is an all-out cutter cycle and I am about 7 weeks into it and things are really started to take shape and pop. Current cycle that I am running now is somewhat similar to the example cycle below. the length is different and things are going to be changed the last half of the cycle to accommodate show prep but it would be a good example of using this compound in cutter:
Example Cutter Cycle:
1-14 250mg/wk Sust (That 250mg is split between 3 shots taken M/W/F)
1-14 600mg/wk Mast E
1-14 500mg/wk 1-test cyp
7-14 100mg Var ED
1-14 50mg Provi ED (AM/PM)