Lol John i like that sayin!! @GlycogenGuy aint that the truth though we are never happy! Ill try the heating pad out see if it helps but honestly ive never experience pip like this before fkn sucks :-1:t2:
Back when tokkyo was around the prop was debilitating. Couldn’t walk for 3 days. Use massage and massage then pin. Pop 4 Advil after that will control the inflammation. You should be g2g
Yeah bro its fkn the worst ive ever experienced in 20 years cycling. Im almost at the point of throwing in the towel except i have 55ml of it left .
I was wondering if buying some sterile from a research company to cut it with would help?
Ive been mixing it with 1ml of primo e and 1ml of test400 not sure if that is making it worse? I figured trying sterile oil with no drug in it to see if that helps
Real primo should always have some pip. Well brewed might be very minor and for guys with high tolerance negligible. But probably not what I would cut with for pip reduction.
I agree I wouldn’t use anything but sterile oil to cut its the best way but you can use other compounds but that can cause worse problems because of the mix between ba/bb and additional additives such as gluicol and eo
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