SB Labs

Dhb new product haven't heard much about it?

You guys are idiots to put yourself through that much torture. You do realize there are other steroids with a long historical proven track record at your disposal, right?

If the pip is hindering training you are at a loss on your steroid selection and at a loss in your training. A net loss.

Throw it out and move on.
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And I’m not throwing it out, I will persist and find a way to workout it out, I don’t throw away any food off my plate, cause waste not, want not.
I’m stlill learning, wet behind the ears if you will, I listen to some stuff, and disregard some other stuff.
Good point SemperFi. It is a very unique compound from what I’ve read. I never used it myself but I would. I can handle a severe pip. But like you said if it hinders a workout it’s not worth it. Solid words buddy
No, patches would only numb the skin locally. Even lidocaine injections would only provide temporary relief.

I’ve yet to inject it myself. But my advice from other oils that cause pip is. Heat the oil, cut it with something that doesn’t cause more pip, pick a big muscle to IM, hot baths. Not much else you can do besides suck it up or don’t use it.
Yes I recommended that earlier the lidocaine was just me thinking out loud. Guess your are correct but the lidocaine they gave me was for a disk injury so I think I would go deep but I really didn’t get much help from them.