SB Labs

Diabetes and AAS Questions

There is this ancient woman that owns a small shop down the street from where I used to work. She made 3 things, baked beans that she buried in the dirt for days, turkey pot pies from her own turkeys and the best damn turnovers money could buy. Everything was a crap shoot. She make them and cell out. Made more when she felt like it.
@Poppy That progress sounds amazing brother. What is the difference in A1c?

I’m currently working with a group of diabetics employing the nutrition protocol used by a Virta Health, developed by Dr. Stephen Phinney and Dr. Jeff Volek. Their trials included over a thousand patients. Mine, only includes 15, but statistically, the results I’ve seen over 2 months are identical. Many of those in my cohort have been able stop insulin therapy. HbA1c numbers plummeted, dyslipidemia is resolving with trigs dropping below 90. Fasting BG under 100 using only metformin.

If you are fighting diabetes, I’d recommend checking out their research if you are interested.
I will check it out. I am a type 2… struggled for years on the typical roller coaster ride up and down.

Late 2020 I tested with an a1c of 10.6… terrible terrible terrible. Fast fwd to spring of this year and it is 6.3. I’m very proud of that.

I buckled down and counted everything I stuffed in my face. Cut out all the bs “food” and got back to basics… I also got back to training as I know how to do best for me.

I have to give credit to the folks here also. Several gently jerked a knot in my tail when I had an “age appropriate” cycle on the table while my a1c was elevated. @NeuroRN checks my log often and will call me out if my carbs start creeping up.
Very appreciated.

I would be buying lunch or supper if you were close… low carb that is. Hahaha