Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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Blood pressure was a bit high but I Also went straight from workout
Weighed in at 259.6 this morning so I’ve been holding steady at this weight which isn’t bad cause I have been eating g well and I feel like muscle has been adding to body
Getting to gym right now after “passing” drug test for job got today and Saturday at lumber dept although I’m using sick time to only work half days will lose out on 4 vaca days but it’s worth it to get out of place
Dead’s and back today
Dead’s 4x3- 505.550, 550, 570 with working filming cause he hating seen weight pulled before haha no give in bar either
Lat pull downs slow3x12- 160,180,160
Wide tbar row- 4x8 3 plates and 35
Hammer iso row4x8- 3 plates 25
Hang cleans 2x6-225 need to go Lower get form better first time in 15 years
Ez bar curls 4xfail-75 pounds 1 minute rest
Hammer shrug 3x18-3 plates
3x9 decline cups with 35s
I got you by 5 lbs but you suck you can eat burgers and fries I’m eating lettuce I am coming down even though my meals have increased isn’t it great to break the idea that you have to starve yourself to lose fat and can’t gain muscle while doing it
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I mean I shouldn’t eat those Things but I’m I feel my belly coming back some but everything else is leaning out still
Getting hang cleans practice to set up ohp. Wasn’t the plan but I guess I have to cause rack is taken
Shoulders today.
Hang clean to ohp 3x6- 225
Reverse flys 2x12 partials- 45db 3x18- 30 db
Incline bb 3x8- 225, 275, 315
Behind the head shoulder press sm 3x8- 110, 130, 140
Lateral raise machine 3x15- 110, 130, 130 then drop down each plate till you fail and continue till doing air reps.
Face pulls 3xfail- 25 cable
Did legs today. Squat was taken when I got to gym so
Vsquats 4x6 had 5 plates on the arch side the. Put six plates on for set of 3. Was going to do cluster set with 5 plates but tweaked back on first rep.
Though the vsquat was supposed to be safer for back hahaha
Leg extensions 4x18- 230
Lying leg curls 4x15-130.
International chest day. Also my bu weekly test and eq inject at 375 and 450 respectively. Started 50 of anavar split morning and now pwo cause well new work schedule.

Bench 3x5- 405,415,425 for 4.5 reps
Hammer wide grip chest 4x8- 4 plates each side
Db shoulder press 4x10- 80,90,9595
Hammer decline4x12- 3 plates
Crab pose 4x15- 32.5 pound on cable
Heavy lay raises with pause 3x12- 45 db with cheat to get parallel
Incline db fly 3x12- 40’s
I mean beast mode 405 would kill me these days he’ll it would kill me back on the day 365 was my max You rep that shit. Like supermanb
Well fuck me just realized gym closed at 4 on weekends. So I will have to find a Monday through Friday split that works for me
I’m thinking
Monday dead’s and back
Tuesday chest
Wednesday tris and bis. Thursday’s legs
Friday’s shoulders.
Anybody have an idea if this looks good obviously some days would have a bit of cross training like some back throw. On in Friday’s and db should and lateral raises on chest day
Here’s a a 4day split I go by. I found it online and use it
  • Day 1 – Back and Biceps
  • Day 2 – Chest and Triceps
  • Day 3 – OFF
  • Day 4 – Quads, Hamstrings and Calves
  • Day 5 – Shoulders, Traps and Forearms
  • Day 6 – OFF
  • Day 7 – OFF
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Thanks for input will consider. It’s possible that I just go into pure power program and do main compound lifts and minimal beauty lifts .
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