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SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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It’s easy when you only got a 20 on you and that’s for tip. But seriously all I have to do is think I’ll lose my job my relationship and I’m not starting all over again the relationship is easy to replace but the job not so much I’m lucky to have received the opportunity I did to get it
Glad you think like that. I usually do when I work cause I can’t go to work as electrician smelling like booze. But now I have no work so I make an exception but still no good on my part cause I cannot control it
Just did the water based test and it hurt going I. But nothing after so far going to run a few errands to let it hit then gym time I’m
It’s best stored i fridge after opening but that maybe just cause thats where I have all water based stuff
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In good news my iron supplement and digestive aids came
So see how those help with the blood issues and belly back down 287 this morning
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Only got 630 for 4 so dropped down and did a few sets at 585 for 5 after I think being in gym much earlier than normal didn’t help but wants to get it of way to do errands through out day
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