Dirts 2g of test test log

I did sets of 12 on leg press that’s more like hack squat ass to plate movement geeks main man mike would have been proud very slow controlled reps with explosive. Quads feel good doing seared leg curls havent done these in forever work way down leg machines and finish with good girls bad girls cardio calling day like I said I can hit hard next two weeks with recovery being great. On cruise so gains won’t be weekly but will still push to see reps and weight increase will do short blast of high test to see how it feels on its own February then do
Recomp with dhb and tren. Cruise then cycle prep for meet in fall still have February meet on calendar. If I do well we will do oiler lifting at
Least another year but work towards hitting stage as well

At slowly coming along
I hold a
Lot of fat there i guess I mean they will get there now I’m training higher rep ranges. Got to be honest it’s so hard not jumping right into next cycle but it’s my bloods looking good but break from high doses is needed.
Haha ya. Not by my definition of TRT. I do know a couple guys that prescribe their own TRT and yes it is very much like a mild cycle. Lol. One guy that works out at the gym I go to is like that. He is huge all the time never balloons and shrinks just always big AF. He has his own homemade “TRT” prescription. Hahahaha
What ever I have seems to come and go day to day. So probably taking off gym again no need to work
Out if I’m not going to recover. I really suck at deloads. This wasn’t planned though at least. Do chest tomorrow if feeling it. I may set up covid test for Monday and se if I got it again think it’s the flu. As that’s what boss has but who knows. I just know I’m tired as fuck.
I mean it just got to me to deload a week or
Two sooner than plan I’m off work for two weeks so not the worst Thing when I
Doing 76 hours this week
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I maybe too open with my life. Our maintenance guy at work told our supervisor tht I said he was a pussy and the cocaine and steroids would have knocked
His sickness right out. Haha. I mentioned I can only speak for one those items currently
Brother prolly needs a break. It was told to me by a wise old man on UGM to have someone point a flashlight in your eye and see if your pupil would stay closed or if it would keep trying to open like pulsing. If it does that your CNS is shutting down. Then take a week off. It happened to me around August last year. I took a whole week off everything including alcohol and drugs and bam I hit PRs right away after. Just saying brother
You still staying off the alcohol? I’m 5 weeks no blow and other being sick feel great. Told my girl the drug I feel I wan
To do I x but won’t do that either just occasional drinks out or when we have company and trips for personal health periodically
Press today pull tomorrow then back to normal lifing Monday is my plan have double date Saturday night so can’t wait to get hmyeeled at for embarrassing my gf. The best part is her friend and husband will love me but she will be embarrassed. I know how these things go
Incline then pump
And out of gym
Can’t wait to feel better I maybe cruising but that doesn’t change my intensity look forward to getting so much sleep during shutdown May actually see growth on cruise dose. Mentally will be tough to not just add in an oral but I want the break and jua the test for a hit
So tried using wide grips on dip machine and wh the fuck goes that wide flip inside is great for triceps.
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Getting fat 302 on scale. Haven’t taken xtane in 5 days so will tomorrow thinking I’ll drop to 285 next month maybe hit some clen get some fat off