Don’t forget to DONATE!

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They won’t take my blood. Hemoglobin is always too high.
I have to dump my own blood which I promised family I’d stop doing . They fear they’ll find me bled out in the bath tub.
My hemoglobin last blood test was 20.5
I’ve heard they stop when it’s that high.
I could get a prescription to get blood taken and dumped but they wanted me to go to an oncologist and I avoid doctors like the plague.
My doctor said 20.5 won’t give me a stroke or kill me. It used to be 25. That’s terrible!
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I did that and the hospital changed me $2,000 I had to pay. The doctor said in the old days they would just take my blood and dump it themselves but now they have to follow rules and they had to call a blood collection service to come to the hospital and do it.
I was so pissed off because it took 6 hours to take a liter of blood out and replace it with saline water. I went home the next day and drained a liter of blood myself in the shower. Only problem is I’m not good at it so I punctured several arteries several times before the full liter was out, I used a liter sized protein shaker to drain the blood into then washed it down the shower drain.
Only 7% of the world has type O negative blood.
Less than 2% has my blood, B negative.
I don’t feel good about donating my blood due to my past drug use. Plus, right now it’ll give an old lady a mustache and an erection. 😀
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