Dont laugh or go ez whatever

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Yeah, it’s not very comfortable, and it leads to a lot of depth issues. I squat with a just shoulder width or just outside shoulder width, and my depth is when the crease of my hip breaks the knee, that is considered below parallel in just about every federation, save maybe a couple…
That’s where I go with my stance. I get my ass about a foot off the ground. I feel like that is my sweet spot to activate all my muscles for squat. I see guys come in and do double my weight but they only go down half as much. It kind of irritates me cause they look around like they they are king. I seriously want to call them pussies and challenge them to do that weight all the way down. Shit most of them are fucking up their knees cause the sheer is way past their feet even att a half squat.

It really shouldn’t bother me cause I am doing it right I just hate pompes assholes
Just make sure you’re not tucking your butt, work your ankle mobility big time, ass to grass squats can lead to “butt wink” or pelvic roll, which can cause issues and completely take the glutes out of the game, I don’t go much passed parallel, but with the exception of my left ass cheek I can feel everything loaded like a spring, and my knees always stay in line with my ankles and drive outward… those were cues I worked on big time when I first started to compete, I would talk to anyone at a meet I could to learn everything I could about all lifts, it never helped my bench much, but my squat and DL definitely benefitted from picking everyone’s brains!
Oh yeah I did this with no secret compounds does are better than clusters today i did 225 sled pulls till collapse and decline bench reps till puke point
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We have one squat rack and it’s not a good one the south doesn’t power lift like the Midwest
I don’t think I am doing that but I will pay attention to my form with that I’m mind next time I do squats. I know I keep my knees from going past my toes
Lift your toes off the ground, it forces you back onto your heels where you want to be and allows for your knees to not travel too far in front of the ankles, especially if you have good ankle mobility. It basically forces you to sit back into the lift and activate your glutes while you load everything else
Cause I want my quads to grow. When you say necessary are you talking for growth or Power lifting rules/standards… not sure how to phrase it.
my coach had me do 1 1/14 squats to work speed and power out of the hole. that seemed to also help open up the taint so i could get lower and have power while doing pause squats. i would work 3x5 with the 1 1/4 squats with about 70% and then do 3x3 with a 2 second pause with 80%. doing that for 5 weeks has helped alot.
Powerlifting for me. If you want to go deeper for more growth by all means go ahead. We all have different goals here so we will all do things a little differently
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