SB Labs

Dr.Z is in the house

Lol what’s up bro’s?? I wish I was the real Dr.Z!! H and Dan Duchaine are two of my heros for sure.I go by Dr.Ziegler(Dr.Z) on several boards.Its great to meet y’all!! CS told me about this place.I rep for him at a few other boards.I can’t believe I haven’t found it until now.Thanks for letting me be a members!! I’ll do my best to contribute and give everyone the respect they’ve earned here.I see a few bro’s I know already!! What’s up Cz???Great seeing you here!
Hello bro.Im not really a Dr. my screen name is because of Dr.John Ziegler.The man who gets credit for helping cone up with D-bol.Although most of that is only myth created over the yrs he did help.But what he really did was bring gear to America in general!! After having a few drinks with a trainer for the Russian Olympic team he was told the reason they had been beating us so bad was they were giving their athletes Test Prop!! He came back here and started using it and giving it to his brothers at their gym in NY( the first gear heads!! Lol) He wanted something better for out guys hence D-bol-!!!