Definitely a form of tendonitis. I would just avoid anything that irritates it. It needs to remain in healing state for quite a period of time. Such a pain.
I’ve also had great results with BPC157. I used it with TB500. 5mg 2x/week TB500 and 400mcg/day BPC157. Massive improvement within a week and totally pain free at 4 weeks. Sounds like it your tricep tendon if it’s on the point of your elbow. I would stop doing tricep isolation exercises til it’s better. If it’s your forearm tendon you can wrap a velcro strap on the bar under your ring finger and pinky (you can get them at the hardware store for holding cords and hoses together). That helps reduce the strain on those tendons.
Gentleman thank you for all the help and support…I see I’m not alone with this issue (unfortunately for those of you who are or have delt with it) Yes paramexer….it hurts like hell! I was carrying in some groceries last night and hit my elbow on the door frame coming in the house and…well lets just say I had to go back to the store and get some more lol I have ordered some cuffs and sleeves and im looking into that forearm device. Arkrov….where did you get that?
Once again…love this site! You guys rock wish I had found you sooner
I used experiencing elbow pain alot during a few triceps exercises. I found this goes away immensely during my blasts with Deca. An elbow sleeve seems to help with comfort too.
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