SB Labs

Legs, tendon tears Ciproflaxin Levoflaxin

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Staff member
So for anyone that didnt know, awhile back I took ciproflaxin for a cycle and had some horrible side effects. Went deaf for a bit and then after a short while doctor wanted me to run levoflaxin that it turned out I didnt even need… well as a result I had tendon issues which is a side effect. My left elbow first and then my left knee. This put me out for a bit.

Elbow healed. Knee felt better, was able to walk normal. went for a short run. then got worse, and now even worse then that. Lateral and median tears I have to wear a post surgery brace that will restrict my movement for 3 months. hard not to move so much with a toddler wanting to play all the time. if the time off restricting movement doesnt work then off to surgery which scheduling can take 3 to 6 months. Then another 6 months recovery.

Im losing muscle on my legs at a fast rate I feel like. Pants getting loser on quads. Going to be a bitch to build it back im sure. Not sure to what exent or exercises I can safely do now for legs without causing further injury yet. Just a vent and warning to anyone that sees this. watch the f out with any new drugs and side effects. looking around its not that small of % that has issues like they want you to believe.

Then when I see these studies and question how many are not reported? I know my ass isnt in anything. I also know I spoke with a doctor who said they should never be given to athletes in his opinion as it increases the chances of tears and can last for months. Even when the athlete thinks hes ok, he can still have ruptures.
fluoroquinolones are awful. I have no idea how we’re still prescribing them with all the fucked side effects they can bring on. I know they target a specific bug, but goddamn they are awful.
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