SB Labs

Ever seen or used this brand?

I have found all of the supplements that I have purchased at Amazon to be the exact same as you would purchase off line. Wally World is a different story… just look at the Hanes and Wrangler lines. These are lower quality versions specifically made for Wally World to meet their subpar pricing models. It is a contractual agreement that the manufactures have with Wal-Mart if they want to be listed in their stores.

In the end I think it is important for us to understand and know how to read a supplement label.
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Exactly. Good info bro. I never knew for sure about amazon. But thanks for sharing.
Amazon is just a huge warehouse order fulfillment center(s). Manufactures or product owners pay Amazon to store and list their products to be considered Amazon Prime products. Amazon owns none of their inventory. Store owners and manufacturers ship the products to amazon for storage until order fulfillment. Amazon dictates pricing and charges the store owners a storage fee in return amazon fulfills the orders on their behalf… F’ing genius business model.

Now if you want to compete directly with Amazon you can set up shop and sell on there as well just like a “Buy It Now” price on eBay. But your private listing will not be considered an Amazon Prime qualifying product/sale and you, the store owner, are responsible for order fulfillment.
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Where do you get your wealth of knowledge? As I read anything you write im like, yup that makes total sense! Thanks bro for keeping us in check!
We had an online gun parts and accessories business until the dirty assault rifle attack by Amazon and eBay. When we closed those stores we had annual sales in the $750K range on both venues combined. The income stream from that business provide a four year college degree for all of my children. 😉
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