Just curious if anybody has used the Bold Cyp? I know its a short ester so would it be better to go with that than ride with the reqular EQ, and stick with the shorter ester for a shorter period of time?
So how would someone determine which is better? EQ is very well tolerated and typically comes with minimal sides. Increased RBC reflected in BP is common but easily correctable.
I guess you really cant determine that but I did really just want to know if anybody has used it, both the cyp version or/and the undecyclenate version? And what they thought?
Although you did pretty much answer my question semp, and I highly appreciate it!
EQ would allow for less injections with possibly more volume depending on your dosing. Cyp would be more frequent injections with possibly less volume depending on your dosing.
Six of one… Half dozen of another.
But I don’t think cyp would act like the original.
With cyp usually. Eq should be painless. With that said I’m sure some srcs can make bold cyp with less pip but the one I used was crippling. One shot was more than enough.
I’ve used bold cyp one time and question is it was bold cyp bc there was no pip at all. I also tried bold ace and only 100mg gave me flu symptoms and pip for a week! I would love to try some faster acting eq, but not if it keeps me from training
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