SB Labs

Ever used Bold Cyp? (EQ with cyp ester)

so just doing a little more research I read that Bold Cyp PIP mainly comes from the gear crashing in the muscle almost instanly after injection!
Ok I really have to ask where do you guys find ace eq and cyp eq??? I’ve been doing this shit a long time never heard of either. My question is WHY? And eq doesn’t hurt at all. Not sure how eq is hurting you guys?

I like the KISS method. If you don’t know what that means I’m not saying because I’m not here to offend others. But why would you mix a long cyp ester with eq or a short ace ester. This to me sounds like hey let’s mix this and that and see what we get. Sorry if this is a rant but I see this all the time here and I wonder where this stuff comes from. Eq is bold eq that’s it, I don’t believe in this cyp eq or ace eq. I’m old school so that’s my rant for today. Lol. Carry on as I go
Pin myself before deadlifts 😂😂😂😂
Human nature is always trying to reinvent the wheel. I have got caught up several times in these new designer steroid versions but I ALWAYS find myself falling back to the ‘tried and true’ and telling myself ‘never again’.
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EQ should not hurt to pin at all. Something is wrong with how its being brewed if thats the case.

Ive used EQ for over 20 years with vet grade products and never an single issue.

I agree with @PHD theres no reason to try and mix shit up of different esters. To many sources are trying to save money or come out with some frankenstein product that they hope will pursade more clients. Im not really a fan of blends either.
Same here bro when I was in Mexico for work I got eq from the vet there and not once did it hurt. Eq has never hurt. Makes me really worried where people Are getting their gear and definitely question quality of it. To many people
Making this in their kitchens and just inventing stuff.
What did you run? 600 or 800mg a week. 600 has always been a sweet spot for me. Ur like you said definitely give blood lol. When I went to give blood 3 years between they said it was so thick it was boarder like that they could use but it was good. Need to give again it’s been a year but I’ve been off eq for 6 months
Im donating blood tomorrow, Im just barly past my 8 weeks, could have went today but the drive was to far
I’ve been running 750 this go around. Always used 600 before. I’m liking it at 750 and yes I gave blood the day I started at 8 week then will at 16.
Another thing about esters is they have different effects on different compounds because each ester itself has a weight to it so one that I know is say test prop is a stronger version of test meaning you get more testosterone from the propionate ester than you would from a phenyl propionate ester because pp weighs more. It has to do with conversion and the brewing process.
I don’t actually know how to explain the exact science but if you read about ester weight you will see the effects that the ester weight has on the compound
I will read up on the esters and weights, it might not make to much sense to me but ill give it a shot tonight!
Ester weight and its effects on compounds is something that I had never thought about until I saw some broscience on it and started to look at the different ester weights and it makes sense.
if you look at compounds such as boldenone the different esters really play a role in how the compound works. Even Drostalone is effected by the different ester weights. looking at the propionate version vs. the Enanthate version. I believe if I remember right that phenylpropionate has the biggest effect on the compound and how much of the compound is actually available.

Propionate 73.071 g/mol

Phenyl propionate 150.177 g/mol

pp is actually double the molecular weight of prop. This takes away the available compound. I wish I new more about chemistry to explain it better and I might be wrong but this is what I know to be true.
While we’re at it @Bigmurph I like npp a lot like you do, but why do you think it’s NPP why not just NP I don’t quite understand why is it both there are same time right 4-4.5 days…