Feb 5th diets n training

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I just had a not so delicious
6oz ground Turkey
110 gram rice
Can’t sleep so chciken and rice meal one with peanut butter sandwich for extra calories then dead’s abs back.
That’s what I do when I can’t sleep,wake up,smoke a joint,stuff my nasty face,and try to sleep again.
I can’t smoke so I’m bushy at gym early feeling like shut trying to pull heavy. I think I need deload today but that’s next week so will try and grind out some 600’s and see how I feel back is tight eyes are heavy fuck it
Naw dead’s sucked failed half way up with 3rd rep of 635. Let’s blame too much cardio too little
Sleep. God I can’t wait to be on days. And get 6-7 hours of sleep a night
I benched today, I ate some food, but not sure what… I rarely ever get sick, In fact I can count on less than 1 hand the amount of times I’ve been sick in the last 20 years… I am fucking floored right now. My phlegm is clear, but I’m congested as fuck, and EVERYTHING in my body hurts… resting heart rate has been around 110 all day, typically around 68. Afraid to take my temp, can’t stop farting, can’t get comfortable. God damn Type O blood protects me good, but when I do finally get sick it’s fucking horrible.
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