SB Labs

Fellas can you feel a difference?

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Can you tell a difference between test levels of 700, and say like 1100? By that I mean mental, energy, and libido. I know we are all weight lifters here but together we share a huge wealth of knowledge as compared to probably 99 percent of all docs. The reason I ask is this… my dad who I’ve talked about before has an almost genius level IQ, with that comes some quirks. But since he started trt w me, his marital life and our friendship has suffered, it’s not agression, he’s in counseling thinking its moms fault. And I bet alot of it is but I finally found a study on how trt can possibly alter the hippocampus or some shit and bring out personality disorders… ironically he seems to suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, google that shit lol. Pair npd. With a freakish intelligence level and you’ve got your self a fucking monster… so I know he would lower his levels if he thought it wouldn’t take his feel good away, hopefully putting that dragon back to sleep… any help, thoughts would be appreciated
What TRT dose is he on? Question. Was he a arrogant or a dick before TRT? If you have a disposition of being a asshole or aggressive, it will amplify those things. Most roid rage I seen or witnessed they were already assholes. It just intensified. It doesn’t change a person from calm to this roid rage thing. Now my own experience the most I ever got aggressive was with Tren. Not so much rage just thoughts of beating people that did stupid stuff. Like driving in a car. Road rage was more noticeable. But that’s it. And as far as 700 to a gram? For me. I can eat a ton. I have more endurance in the gym. But I become more lethargic on high dose outside of gym time. I can fuck a ton. Rubout 6 to 7 times a week. I retained more water. And breathing was heavy and I seemed out of breath a lot. My feel good spot is 500-600mg. But everyone is different. Hope this helps. Oh. The best way to see if it’s the test fucking your dad up? Stop it for a month.
Was you running an A.I. with that?? I get that heavy breathing feeling trying to hit new personal best on a few lifts and haven’t been doing much cardio??
I take Adex very low dose for me. .25 mg every 3rd day. I don’t have much estrogen conversion.
I’m not sure he meant 700mg versus 1,100mg, but I could be wrong. I am reading it as meaning 700 level of test versus 1,100 level of test in system via bloodwork.

But, if he is meaning how many MG’s per week, you would be spot on for the difference in dosages causing some enhanced arrogance.
700-1100. I run 700ish cruise. Mine has tested 1300 before, but that was a couple months off blast then back to TRT dosages. For me. I didn’t feel any different. But that’s just me. Chemistry in the blood reacts differently for everyone. And I guess it could have an impact on people. I don’t know. If you want to really find out, cut dosing to 3/4 of the current TRT. How I dialed in with my doc. Except, I was walked up to my dose. Started low then added to it as needed.
I’m good at 500. At 750 I’m borderline narcoleptic. As long as I’m moving I’m fine. Sit down and I’m out. Not good a good thing at work. Sex drive is fine at either level, no attitude at either level.
I technically just started TRT after my last cycle. I was at 273 blood level as my baseline before blasting Test E, so that’s what my Dr. used for his pellet implant dosing that should keep me around 1,100ish. I’ll find out more next week when I get my post insertion bloods done and post up what it’s running, if you want?

Long story short, I don’t have anything to go by to gauge whether there is a difference in me between the 700-1,100 levels.

I think TBU makes a pint that it’s another one of those things that individualistic.
New labs on pops should be in today, his last total test was 1400… a bit much for someone in his shoes I think
For TRT. Yes. That’s waaaay high. If they lowered his dosing interested in his levels now.
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