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Dads dying getting desperate

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The on going generational battle.

I can remember “you kids and your rock and roll music”. Hahaha
Im not going to pretend to be a know it all here. Your DAD has had a rough go last few years. He handled the transplant well? The medications for anti rejection can rough. Also, where they took “Colon” off can be rough on absorption. Does he get " nausea at the thought of eating? If hes hungry then any food that “agrees " with him is great. You can make a super calorie shake with half melted ben and jerrys, any ice cream. Protein powder made from beef protein or lactose free if the stuff doesnt “agree” the cahexic state is severe. If its getting to that point of losing him, well , I am sorry to say …I dont know how to personally handle that as i had/still have a hard time not having my mommy around. “Riding shotgun” as you say, seems like your very close. Very close. AAS with an abundance of calories even " junk” work very well. The increase in nitrogen balance is there so dont worry about protein, especially with kidney. If the point is to make him more cognitive and add some quality then go with the AAS and dense KCal. I would use some test but more of the anaabolics/ PRIMO. Make sure everything is good like magnesium, potassium, sodium all the electrolytes, and if he is handling the by products of increasing everything that would be excellent. Tough any way you cut it…
This is SO difficult. I’m so sorry for what your dad is going through and its impact on you. My own father was an All American for a major college from 49 through 53 and had a massive heart attack without warning at 62. He was never the same and sauntered on for a few years before he died. Both he and I assumed he would be that powerful “man’s man” forever, then all of a sudden he was not and then gone. I wish I had known then what I know now about AAS and other meds. I might have been able to extend his life or increase its quality after the heart attack. Kudos to you for confronting it squarely and doing what you can. My thoughts are with you and your dad.
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