First time in a few weeks

I know I was just playing I met someone from Iowa that used to always say its just corn from border to border I would laugh.

Iowa has demoins I know I spelled that wrong I believe it’s in Iowa and its a city right?

I didn’t know about the soy beans
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I did some work once at the Isle Casino on the River there in Iowa. Just a small town. Had a lot of fun fishing for cats on the Old Miss. my wife was sitting on the shore and a cotton mouth came crawling out of the water right in front of her She calmly grabbed a stick and said “there’s a snake” and was gonna kill it. Lucky for the snake it went back into the water lol.
Southern Iowa. A ranger told us since the Mississippi flooded they wound up all over the place. They were warning folks that had warehouses that flooded to be careful moving things around in wet spots. For example a pallet in a puddle could have a cotton mouth under it. There aren’t any in Wisconsin I know that. But I know what they look like. As a kid I spent a lot of time in Kentucky and we use to shoot them with BB guns.
We have wolves bears mountain lions bobcats coyotes masaguas (swamp rattler). Don’t know about the spiders. DNR say there are no mountain lions unless they are transient but deer cameras will tell you otherwise lol. It’s one of the hardest animals to see. Their senses are beyond our comprehension.
The only time you see a panther or mountain lion is when its clamping down on your kneck to eat you ive never seen one in the wild and ive actually seen a chimp in the wild I believe that it was an escapee scared the shit out of me I almost shot it but it was gone when I looked back up I was trying not to stare it down until I got my gun out.
Yes there are?

Down south

Everglades panther there’s only like 600 left and that’s when I visited awhile back but they have a huge federal area fenced in to protect them
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@Rusty, same story here… DNR denies lions even exist, but trail cameras don’t lie. A couple years ago there was one loose on the south side of DSM near the airport and my old neighborhoods, the DNR had some “expert” say it was just an overgrown house cat… somewhere between 15-20 years ago when our white tail population was out of control, the DNR released a handful of female lions into the wild here thinking they couldn’t mate if there were no males… Little did that overpaid dumbass state employee know that a male lion will travel up to 2000 miles looking for his own territory and some good pussy!