First Time Running Tren

Hey guys, I’ve been cycling for a couple of years now. About 6 months ago, I made the decision to blast and cruise. I’ve only ever used Test E and Dbol and gotten great results. I blew up from 215 to 275 in 8 months. Recently my cruise would be just 200mg/week of Test E. My blast would consist of 600mg/ week of Test E and 40mg Dbol daily. I have a vial of Tren A I’m wanting to use this blast. I was thinking of running Test E at 250mg/week and Tren A at 250mg/week. Will that be enough for me to see some good results? Any information would be helpful!
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If you’ve never experienced a 19nor, especially Tren Ace, you are in for a ride lol. 250mg is definitely enough to see results and quick. I suggest pinning Ace every day for the most steady blood serum levels. Keeping levels nice and even flowing with Tren is of the utmost importance. Some guys experience some decent sides and I find it’s usually due to them pinning EOD or even E3D and that’s just too much fluctuation.
Yeah this will be my first time running a 19nor, I loved the dbol but just too much bloat. Gave me a moon face. But great mass gainer. I wanna pretty much drastically change my physique. Lean muscle and vasularity. Hoping Tren is the right way to go. How long does it take it to see results with 250 per week?
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I edited your pic bro. Hope you don’t mind. Just looking out for your security.

250/wk is definitely enough. I know some pretty high level guys at this point that don’t use more than 300 to 350. First time around 250 IMO is perfect. With a diet and fitness plan designed for a recomp or cutting you should be able to start seeing visual results in the first 2 weeks. Run it for 6 weeks then drop it. Keep the Test going. If you liked it and it treated you well you can run another 6 week cycle with it after like a month off. It’s worth the wait rather than trying to run it for 10 or 12 weeks.
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One more question for you, as you know I’ll be running 250mg of tren and 250mg of test per week. What should I expect from that sort of cycle? I know what test and dbol does to me. Just wondering what kind of gains I’ll get with tren.
Man I wish I could give you a definitive answer but everyone is so different and metabolizes compounds differently. Not to mention I have no idea how you eat and what your workouts look like or how your body type would be reacting to the foods you’re eating. There’s just no real way to know. What I can tell you is that with a low fat diet you will definitely burn more fat on Tren and with enough carbs and protein you’ll definitely grow more lean muscle than with any other compounds.
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Every day is tough bro? No you should try micro dosing and split everything to 2 or 3 pins a day and run that for about 16 weeks. Then we can talk about tough hahahaha. Seriously though it sucks fuckin actual donkey dick.

I have 14 total sites I pin. Of course that’s 1 on each side of the body. Calves, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, ventrogluteal, dorsogluteal, lats and delts.
Absolutely man. And the smaller the pins you can use, the better. I use 25g 5/8", 27g 3/4" and 25g 1" depending on where I’m pinning. Constantly rotating sites and using smaller pins will add life to the muscle and skin by keeping scar tissue build up as minimal as possible.
It sucks pretty much every pin but I’ve figured out that if I pin calves then use compression socks for better circulation, the PIP subsides faster and I don’t get as sore. Without the socks, it’s like I did 100 calf raises with 250lb lol
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