First Winny cycle-female


Active member
Hey guys! So I just wanted see if anyone else has had a similar experience. I’ve run about 4 cycles of anavar in the past, and one primo cycle. My body is weird and I always gain a good 10lbs during the cycles which was fine because I was bulking. But I am in a cutting phase now so I thought Winny might be a good one to try since it’s not supposed to carry the water weight with it. I have been taking 10mg ED for about a week and have gained 9lbs seemingly overnight. There are no other factors that could do this, my macros are 160/50/35 on training days, I drink over a gallon of water, I train 2hrs per day, I train very hard, I also added 30 minutes of cardio per day. No way I am in a surplus of calories, so the weight gain has to be from the Winny right? I don’t feel any bigger, it’s frustrating since I am supposed to keep dropping weight. should I just give it some time and see how it goes? It seems like anything I take I just gain 10lbs instantly, does anyone else have this issue? Particularly female?? Thanks!
Any other side effects showing? My ex roommate bought some orals from someone. Turned out wasnt what she thought and her voice changed and really got fucked up. She was pissed. I think women should always roidtest everything they take.
My Winstrol cycles always dried me out. I lost quite a bit of water weight and was harder looking. Never really gained weight on Winstrol. But I’m a dude. I would think the effect would be the same for woman. Like @John said. You sure you got Winstrol? 9 pounds in a week is crazy… hell I might want some of that winstrol…😂
I would hope it is Winny, but then again I have not tested it so I can’t say for sure. But I do feel extremely bloated and just heavy but my husband says I don’t look any different. I might just stop taking it. I was waiting on an order from a trusted source on here so I was taking this stuff before I get that :confused:
I’d test that stuff with the quickness. If you don’t have a roidtest kit available or it’s not in your price range winny should react to both Liebermann’s and Mandelin’s reagent tests as well. Yellow-brown to Liebermann’s and Orange-green to Mandelin’s from what I’ve read in various research.
Hopefully the results of the roidtest come back as expected. I don’t have roidtest kits on hand, but a buddy of mine always has various reagents so I’m likely gonna test some of my gear against those soon to see if results are as expected.
Definitely don’t think it’s Win. Wife has done Var cycle and Win cycle, and never gained 9lbs in one week, let alone a 4-6 week cycle. She did gain weight, but it was mostly muscle. She didn’t however, drop weight as quickly as some state will happen for women on Var or Win cycles, even in calorie deficit. But, that’s just her genetic makeup, and not the same for all.

Plenty of good approved sources on here, just like all have stated already.
I fear the compound is actually dbol. Get the testing kits that are offered by a sponsor here to see what compound you truly have. Winstrol pulls water out for me and I look leaner by the day with weight dropping consistently. Strength and energy go up for me.
Well I received some Winny from a source here yesterday. I stopped taking the other stuff. Hopefully things will balance back out. How long does it take to kick in for you typically? Anavar always took me about a month before i would start to feel it
I see changes in my body daily from winstrol because my body fat was always very low when using it. After a day or two the muscles are more defined.
It’s much more dramatic than anavar.
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I love Winstrol. But it does fuck me up. Like I said earlier. Getting older affects my ability to handle those orals. I seem to get all of the bad sides now from them. ABOMBS. Winstrol. DBol. Just to name a few…