Fitraver gains and goals 2017

Morning guys. 211.6 today. Skipped shoulders yesterday and rested. Was way too sleepy lol. Today will be chest later on. Gotta get through shitty work first. Would rather be sleeping lol.
Chest pump complete.

1/8 - Chest (did random lifts)

Incline DB Bench Press: warmup: warmup: 40x10, 60x10 … working: 95x11x2, 95x10x2

Single Arm Hammer Press: working: 45(each arm)x12x4

Peck Deck: working: 220x12x4

Incline DB Flyes: 40x10x4

DB Pullovers: 55x12x2
Oh man. I do not miss this soreness. Man being off cycle hurts your recovery so much ha it guess I should say being on just Raises the norm way higher so the norm sucks lolol. My chest was so sore from yesterday it was hard to even lock into the squat bar.

1/10 Legs/Calves (did random lifts)

6 minutes warm up on bike level 5

Single Leg Lying Curls: warmup: 40x20x2 … working sets: 95x10x4
Lying Leg Curls: working: 95x15x4

Squats: warmup: 135x10, 225x10 … working: 315x10x3*

Single Leg Standing Hamstring Curls: working: 80x12x4

Single Leg Extensions: working: 90x20x3
Leg Extensions: working: 90x15x3

Horizontal Calf Press: 180x25x4
Morning everyone. 213 somehow today lol. Work then arm gains. Think I’m going to build out my new meal plan to start next week. Cut back on cals a little prob to the 4500 area and add back in cardio finally. Then a few more weeks of maintaining. Need to figure out what my cut Blast is going to be.
Arms done.

1/10 - Biceps/Triceps/Abs (Random lifts)

High Cable Curls: warmup: 20x20 … working: 45x10x3 (focus on contracting where bicep is at shortest … with elbow elevated and almost behind head … slow reps under full control)

Alt DB Curls: working: 40x10x3 (controlled reps)

Barbell Curls: working: 80x10x3 (3 second negative, keep perfect form)

Single Arm Seated Preacher Curl Machine: working: 35x12x3

Single Arm Cable Extensions: warmup: 20x10z2 … 50x15, 60x12x2

Close Grip Bench Press: working: 135x10x3 (5 second negative, then explode out)

Single Arm Reverse Grip Tricep Pressdowns: working: 50x10x3

Tricep Extension Machine: working: 115x12x3 did dip machine this week 210x15x3

Leg Raises: bwx15-20x3 (focus blowing all air out on crunch)

Decline Crunches: Bwx15-20x3 (focus blowing all air out on crunch)
Rarity today, I forgot to weigh myself. Also, skipped breakfast cuz I’m not really hungry and didn’t have a chance to make my new meal plan last night. Hopefully I can at work. I’m thinking 4500-4000 cals. Pretty big drop but I need it. Hunger is gone and my body is over the high cals.
211.8 today. Got the new mea plan made and will likely start it 100% Monday along with cardio. Shred time is getting close to being upon us. And I’m certainly ready.

When does the contest end again? I hit my goal but don’t have time to hang around here forever haha summer is coming so I’ll be switching to cutnmore and more next few weeks. Just getting cals down as I still cruise the next few weeks then when I add the sauce things will be peeled and moving. Then watch out 😉
Back attack dunzo.

1/12 - Back/Traps (random lifts)

Focus on solid form with good stretch and contraction, 2-3 minute rest between working sets

Lat Pulldown Machine (Single Arm): warmup: 45(each arm)x15x2 … working: 100x12x2, 105x12x2

Seated Row Machine (single arm): 100(each arm)x12, 105x12x3

Wide Grip Pulldowns (Neutral Grip): working: 210x12, 210x11, 210x10x2

Straight Arm Pulldowns: working: 100x12x4

Standing Shrug Machine: working: 90(each arm)x15x4
Was 210.8 today. Will officially start the new meal plan tomorrow. Got all my food today. Off to hit some shoulders now and prolly grabbing a little treat after.
Shoulders done. Tan quick then some gyros.

1/13 - Shoulders/Abs (random lifts)

Shoulder Press Machine: warmup: 85x15x2 … working: 120x12x4 smart strength

Seated DB Side Raises: working: 30x12x4

DB Front Raises: working: 35x10x4

Seated DB Presses: working: 60x14x4

Rear Peck Deck Flyes: working: 150x15x3

Standing Rear Delt Cable Flyes: 12.5x15x3 cage rack

Decline Bench Crunches: bwx20x3

Leg Raises: bwx20x3
Morning bros. Rest day for me. Still sitting at 210.8. Yesterday’s gyros were damn good lol. Today will just be chill time with the fam.
210.6 today. Cardio officially starts back today. Or so I’m saying right now haha. Hopefully I can make myself do it. Where did that weekend go? I’m tired 😦 work then chest later.
Chest done and even got in the cardio!

1/15 - Chest/Cardio (did random lifts)

Incline DB Bench Press: warmup: warmup: 40x10, 60x10 … working: 95x12, 95x11, 95x10x2

Single Arm Hammer Press: working: 45(each arm)x12x4

Incline Bench Press: working: 155x12x3 (drop 115x12x3) all the way down to chest

Flat DB Flyes: 40x12x4

DB Pullovers: 55x12x2

Cardio: Uphill Walk (8%, 3.5)
Morning guys. 210.8 today. Another day at work. Luckily only one more after this for my week. Ready to be done haha. Legs are coming later.
This was one of those leg days where by the last few lifts I was holding back puking. Lol

1/16 Legs/Calves (did random lifts)

6 minutes warm up on bike level 5

Single Leg Seated Leg Curls: warmup: 50x15x2 … working: 100x12x3
Seated Leg Curls: working: 100x15x3

Squats: warmup: 135x10, 225x10 … working: 315x10x3

John Meadow Hack Squat: working: 270x10x3

Single Leg Press: working: 225x12x3

Single Leg Extensions: working: 90x20x3
Leg Extensions: working: 90x15x3

Standing Calf Raises: 115x25x4
Arms, abs, and cardio … fin!

1/17 - Biceps/Triceps/Abs/Cardio (Random lifts)

High Cable Curls: warmup: 20x20 … working: 50x10x3 (focus on contracting where bicep is at shortest … with elbow elevated and almost behind head … slow reps under full control)

Alt DB Curls: working: 40x10x3 (controlled reps)

Barbell Curls: working: 80x10x3 (3 second negative, keep perfect form)

Single Arm Seated Preacher Curl Machine: working: 40x12x3

Single Arm Cable Extensions: warmup: 20x15x2 … 60x12x3

Close Grip Bench Press: working: 155x10x3 (5 second negative, then explode out)

Single Arm Reverse Grip Tricep Pressdowns: working: 50x10x3

Tricep Extension Machine: working: 115x12x3 did dip machine this week 210x15x3

Leg Raises: bwx15-20x3 (focus blowing all air out on crunch)

Decline Crunches: Bwx15-20x3 (focus blowing all air out on crunch)

Cardio: 20 minutes Uphill Walk (8%, 3.5)
Morning all. 211.4 today and a crammed day at work. But luckily it’s rest day after and also it’s my Friday. Well kinda, even tho I’m off Friday, I see working from home in my future. Just too busy.
Another back day done. Think I’m gunna pull bloods on Monday for the doc.

1/19 - Back/Traps/Cardio (random lifts)

Focus on solid form with good stretch and contraction, 2-3 minute rest between working sets

Lat Pulldown Machine (Single Arm): warmup: 45(each arm)x15x2 … working: 110x12x4

Seated Row Machine (single arm): 110(each arm)x12x4

Wide Grip Pulldowns (Neutral Grip): working: 210x12x4

Straight Arm Pulldowns: working: 100x12x4

Barbell Shrugs: 135x15x4 (3 second pause at top)

Cardio: 20 minutes Uphill Walk (8%, 3.5)