Ha ha, militarily buddy a mine got me to like it, I use gin,grenadine and OJ or switch out OJ for SunnyDelight
Straight Gin soda lime next Saturday will be last booze day for me for at least 4 weeks of this transformation contests. Then probably drink a bunch before last day to dehydrate the body real good
Sweet potatoes steak eggs and spinach a lil guac coffee
I fasted 18 hours from my last meal so i had to replenish. Never tried yams how do you cook them

2nd meal calamari
Strawberry, grapes , blueberries water
Did 4x”5” on bench and overhead
3x8 hammer incline
3x8 Jm press first time trying movement killed tris
Machine shoulder 3x12
Cable crossovers 3x10
Over head cable tris with rope 3x8
Single arm heavy chest lateral 2x8 then ran the dB starting wi th 35’s
4 sets dips till fail was about five reps less than normal