That sucks! Supposedly new cases of COVID-19 are only showing mild symptoms of diarrhea and a mild fever. Hopefully you don’t have it. Friends of flash just got it and those are the symptoms the whole family has.
Monday is switch back from nocturnal life.

Warmup: 15 min of heavy bag work Using tabata time format 20sec work/10sec rest. (not a boxer at all, but damn it’s a helluva quick cardio hitter)

Upper body:
Incline bench: 4x8-10 185lb
Db incline fly: 4x8-10 45lb
Medium grip flat bench: 4x8-10 225lb
Barbell bent over row: 4x8-10 165lb
Overhand pull-up: 4x failure
Db side lateral raise: 5x8 30lb

AMRAP 10 min
8 burpees
10 v-ups
12 rotating planks
14 Superman’s
Really with the heat and amount of physical labor I do I have to eat to not lose too much weight. Was going to start pct but decided to lower to cruise dose until contest is over. Hope to continue and just maintain any gains would be welcome though
burpee double push ups with a jumping pull up ×5
Dips ×5
Squats with knee raises ×5
Step ups ×3
Calf raises ×3
Plank push ups ×3
Pull ups ×3
Tricep extensions ×6
Back extensions ×4
Curls ×5
Ist meal
Squats 5x5 up to a working set of 455
Atlas stones 15reps total 3 sets of 5
Hack squats 4 sets of 10
Ohh and 100 situps!

Really worked on a slow descent, with a powerful/fast on the concentric.
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2.5 mile walk with 30lb weight vest, and dogs included.

Belt squat: 4x6 405lb
Sissy front squat: 4x10 30lb vest, 100lb sand bag
Sissy squat DB deadlift: 4x10 45lb
Straight leg barbell deadlift: 4x8 155
Reverse hyper: 4x15 35lbs