Flash Labs Test Cyp 250


Just wanted to give a shout out to Flash Labs for their quality Test C. I run 100mg/week of Test C for TRT. I wanted to bump up the dose and add some EQ so figured I’d give Flash Labs a shot. I’ve been burned in the past getting Test off of friends so was skeptical. Long story short, my pharmacy has been unable to get more Test C for quite some time (wtf Walgreens) and my Flash Labs Test C came to the rescue! I haven’t had lab work while on it but it’s been almost 2 months and I can tell you 💯 it’s legit. Thank you Flash Labs!
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Im glad that you enjoyed the test from flashlabs

If you can could you write an introduction so that we know a little bit about you nothing personal just about your experience training and diet also if you’re enhanced what compounds you like and so on

Thanks and welcome to ugmuscle
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He needs to write an introduction this isn’t his introduction. That’s why I wrote asking him to post an introduction. Its just a nice review
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