Flash labs Test Cyp test results

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This was my first time using Flash and I sent it out for testing via Labmax. The results were 165mg/np well under 250mg/ml labeled it seems.


I am also waiting on their Deca test results to come back and will report the findings.

Flash intentionally overdoses his testosterone. A customer just posted blood work showing the highest free testosterone he has ever gotten. If the vial says 250mg it’s about 270mg. Are you having blood work done anytime soon?
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Read this thread. This test showed the test e low but it was wrong. I’m not familiar with lab max so I can’t say but I know flash always overdoses his test. In his words, it costs very little to overdose it so why not do it giving better results to customers.
Roid Test Flash Labs Test E 250 RoidTest
Got my replacement from @ROIDTEST today and retested the flash labs test E. To say the least, it looks like it is some potent stuff. This version of the SQ test without any extra components to add in his much easier to use as well.[image]
Do they account for the mct oil/palm kernel carrier oil? I really can’t attest to the accuracy or inaccuratacy of lab max because I’ve never heard feedback from them. I just know Flash would never risk his reputation by trying to save pennies on a very inexpensive raw like testosterone cyprionate. I’ve been his friend for around 10 years and he is one of only two guys I 100% trust as honest with me. I messaged him so I’ll let you know when I hear back. Not looking forward to the rage I’m about to hear hahaha 😀 He takes it very personally as an attack on his character. I’ll post when I hear back from him.
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According to their website they don’t say what testing they do and say it’s “like HPLC”. So it’s definitely not an HPLC test they’re performing. It’s either HPLC or it isn’t. There’s no like a test in laboratory analysis.

View attachment 15774

Theres so many play on words here and it sounds more snake oil saleman to me then professional. “The accuracy of test is the same as you get from laboratory testing (HPLC)” would simply state We provide an HPLC test of the product.

This means that we have fully equipped labs with analytical equipment like HPLC” would simply state we have fully equipped labs with HPLC Instruments/machines or that perform high-performance liquid chromatography tests.
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From the email with the test results:

"Quantitative analyses are performed on Agilent 1200 liquid

chromatograph (HPLC) by qualified personnel with PhD in chemistry. Each

day the instrument is calibrated with new sets of standards to provide most

accurate results. You will be emailed results and all the necessary information. Due to the amount of work I am unable to discuss each test individually and respond to emails.

The HPLC is setup to detect and analyze common steroids only as mentioned in the product description;"
Also, I agree their seems to be a language barrier and not the most tactful tone with their “sale pitch”. That being said, we all are looking for the best way to test and measure. I seem to be the 1st to try them, and I am simply reporting the findings to the community. I have no reason to think the results are not genuine to date.
Did you mail them the actual product in the vial or what process? I agree we always want the best way and most accurate ways of testing. But they claim to be a legitimate and professional company that isnt looking very professional.

I was the main person to go after Janoshik on his bullshit years ago and supposedly he got better. But that kid had access to proper equipment and the knowledge to back it up the whole time.

The sales pitch from labmax reads like some personal trainer wrote it at the gym between sets and if they had their own lab they would post the photos or state which legitimate lab they are using. Not steal a photo from another laboratory trying to make people think its theirs.

Even his reply to you seems bullshit to me.
Due to the amount of work I am unable to discuss each test individually and respond to emails.
Because a legitimate lab can discuss tests and respond to emails lol.
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Not just that. They show a photo for their address that google shows a vacant lot in a shipping industrial center lol. If it is in the industrial park nearby they purposely aren’t showing the suite number. They don’t type the address trying to avoid it being picked up on google. Their about page sounds like bullshit. With the “parent company” unable to google it lol.

They have a web domain with mx servers on it for email but they use a gmail on the photo to contact them.
Please, the phone number is not hot line about test kits. All the information about the test kit is posted on this designated web site; there is no more information to provide over the phone. LabMax is not just the test kit but a company manufacturing and designing many products, most are sold under different trademarks. There are software engineers, hardware engineers. Most of our employees do not deal and know anything about the steroids test kit.

Instead please take a look at the online instructions and email us what the problem is that you cannot make positive identification and somebody will deal with it, help you out. The test kit was designed as do yourself which allows to keep the price low so we do not have to hire people to do color interpretations over the phone.
Designed as do yourself… written like someone with poor english skills.
Much respect to you for the Jano situation, i did not know that.

Yes, vials where mailed.

btw - it wasn’t a reply, it was a boilerplate attached to the email with the results which i assume is meant to stop people’s questions and getting into a he said/she said situation (idk).

I am assuming this is an opportunistic upstart operation which they are piggybacking on A) market need and B) their success with Anavar Regent testing. But again; I am speculating.

Everyone has to make their own interpretation and with all things in this game, and a leap of faith which is unfortunate. Either way, my experience and info is out and that is all i was trying to do.
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Appreciate you trying to find a testing solution. I have to look at all testing sources as in depth as I can. I know how to work an HPLC machine myself and Ive been around this industry since mid 90s. Ive seen so many scams over the years and fake products its unreal. I remember someone told me that these testing places were the perfect business. They sell you products that work and are good, you spend more with them. They sell you products that are defective, inneffective or they lie about results, people still go back to them to test more and they make more. Its a win win situation for them.

This is why its important to find good reputable companies.

was always the top company out there. Legit and licensed. Finding someone local that works or has access to the equipment was one way we used to do it. I had a girl at a university that was a chemistry major help me out on personal things.

But with every industry scammers will take advantage of where they can. And its important to figure out which are legit companies and which are not before it snowballs into everyone sending money to someone or people bashing on the forums while some dipshit is just scamming people. Legitimate companies have nothing to worry about and a reputation to lose. And this industry of testing bodybuilders stashes are not their main source of income or clients.
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