Flash labs Test Cyp test results

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So when I looked into handling this legally someone would need to open a non profit organization setup for harm reduction. Doesnt have to be a 501c3 but at least locally licensed as non profit for harm reduction. The UK was an option and there was other places as well I know. But that would allow the organization to send it to facilities for testing easier and more options.

Any other way would limit who and where it could be sent.
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I have documented and shared on this board a lot of testing… my credibility is fine. I was just sharing an update to my own experience with the product. That being said… I am out of pocket this week for the holidays, when I get back I’ll post for you poppy.
Message from Flash:
“Please make a support ticket on the website so flash can clear this up.”
Thank you
Message from Flash:
“You need to send a support ticket within 24 hours so I can see when you ordered . If you don’t make a support ticket so I can look into this . None of this will be taken seriously. And being on vacation won’t prohibit you from logging in to flashgear.to to resolve this . Thank you “
Message from flash:. “I still don’t have a support ticket to resolve this. If I don’t get one by 8pm your claims will be written off. I’ve been doing this for YEARS and your my first and only claim that my gear is under dosed. The results that you claim you got would mean I didn’t just “under dose” the test. It means all I did was send you oil. Do your homework next time . The levels that you claim you have are for a guy on no test therapy.”
Lab max is not accurate. Do you see any hospitals , doctors offices, pharmacies use it. The answer is no !! You have been asked SEVERAL times to show a picture of all the gear I sent you. I didn’t just send you one bottle. You have been asked to show BLOOD WORK . a REAL test . You need to send me a support ticket with all payment information. The city state sent from . I looked in my data base and your email that you have listed doesn’t show any orders. Of course you could have used a different one . Funny thing is I’m not 4 other forums and your THE ONLY COMPLAINT??? . I need to see BLOOD WORK!!! not lab max !!! I have 3 other people on here who I have never met . Their all doing BLOOD work. NOT LAB MAX !!! like I said if I don’t have a support ticket by 8pm . Please do us all a favor and buzz off !!!
@Aude_Aliquid_Dignu you brought the man himself to UGM. what he is asking is not unreasonable. You have been asked by two separate Mods to produce the actual blood work as well.

I’m not accusing anyone of a single thing. But you are not helping your case. Flash has given you the chance to reach a solution.
What’s up brothers . Yes it was time for me to get on here and post up. At this point even a document won’t work for me . There are plenty of computer geeks that can design anything. So your on "Vacation " ya I’ve heard it all. Of you indeed had REAL blood work done it was emailed to you . So jump on your email ( hopefully don’t photo shop ) black your name out and post . No more games !!! Again I have over 2200 people registered on my website. On SEVERAL other forums. Where’s the rest of the complaints…where? Do you think I have "good batches " and "bad batches " that’s called bro science!!! I’m a pro ! I’m respectful. Respond fast. Ship fast and have STRONG gear !!! Period !!! Ask everyone on here who uses my tren . What you think I’m going to under dose the cheapest product I sell ( test ) on not tren . I’ll leave this wide open . So fellas how’s my tren ? How are the massive pumps from my OVER DOSED TREN AND TBOL. your words your tests are all being heard by deaf ears !!! Next week when all these guys do their blood work. I can’t wait for your sorry ass excuses . Because ALL THE BLOOD WORK WILL BE HIGH !!! Flashlabs out
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