SB Labs

Food porn from rusty

I’m just fucking around did god on squats and on point on dead’s for where I thought I would be with actually getting squats. Next meet I’ll get ‘em all
Just getting into it you should honestly do Jiu-jitsu matches first. Then progress to a kickboxing match. Then MMA. They may look sloppy and slow just watching from the crowd but it’s different inside that ring. The last thing you want is your family watching you get smashed. Have you ever competed boxing or kickboxing?
No. I did tae kwan do and tong su do. When I was younger. Cannot even tell you how many street fights I’ve been in. Have no idea but only lost one and that’s when I got knocked out from a sucker punch. Last fight I was in was some time ago and they had to heliport the guy cause it was on an island and the local hospital wasn’t capable of treating his head injuries. I sat in a jail just crying cause I thought he was dead. That’s the last time I fought.
The gym I am training at is getting a ring for playmation. Probably spelling it wrong. At least that’s what it sounds like. Anyways you get an opponent from your gym or another and you fight but no head shots. It simulates the experience quite well from what I hear. We also have open mat every Saturday and it’s available to anyone and we do matches on the ground any style wrestling. I am gonna dial that in for sure before I fight anyone cause I suck against the experienced jiujitsu guys. They whip me good.
I’ve trained at a few different spots. Started on just mats. Friend of mine trains people. He has a cage and boxing ring. For me. The more aggressive I trained with friends, the calmer I was in the cage.
Ya that makes sense. I stopped getting real aggressive in fights sometime in my twenties. I usually am pretty calm except the last one I got into but then I was defending my property. Yet still ended up in jail.