SB Labs

Forum Rules Nov-'18 old

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One final reminder to read the updated forum rules. It is every member and every sponsors responsibility to abide by all forum rules.

Any time you have any questions concerning the forum rules contact me BEFORE making a post and I will be happy to guide you.

@Verifed_Sponsor any questions that you have direct them to @Bigmurph.
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It’s like a breath of fresh air. I live in an “out of the way” area and information is slim to none. I’ve spent years dipping my toes into the water without really know what’s true and what’s bologna. I’m looking forward to the site!
I wanted to post a review of a source that I discovered on here this summer, but is no longer listed.
They have been professional and have come through with every order. Products are legitimate.
I didnt want to offend the rules. I as well wanted to follow the review with a cycle/product review.
Any suggestions would be appreciated
Euro-roids. I have not started my cycle, as I wanted to do a proper review with pictures and bloodwork. But have tested their products. The reason for the delay was to acquire the needed supplements for the cycle, which I will begin this coming monday. Review will follow in a few weeks.
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No since I don’t know euro-roids is even legitimate at the moment and there not a verified sponsor.
I would like to see a log from you that would be great but I don’t see a reason for you to run a log for a sponsor that doesn’t exist.
If you want to write a review about them wouldn’t it be better to write it at a community that they actually are a sponsor? We support the sponsors that support our community.

Why would you want to write ithe review here and not just keep a log about your progress?
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I will run a cycle log in lieu then.
I’m not aware of their communities. I honestly didnt care for a few other unmentionable boards. The reason I ask is because they use to be link on here, but are no longer. I’ve seen sponsor reviews, which is why I asked. I thought it only fair to do the same. I didn’t want to break the rules. I can delete these messages if they are in violation
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No were actually uncensored and I appreciate you asking because I would have had to take out the name but I honestly do look forward to your log brother im glad to see you around.
Thanks for making these ground rules simple as well as highly informative. I believe that when people start to interact with one another and boundaries are not set then this will lead usually to a very unstable relationship that ultimately will end do to misunderstandings. So what I’m trying to say is that when we know what we can say or do that is acceptable then we can be assured that misunderstandings could not lead to disrespect perpetrated on all parties involved in verbal discourse that will damage it significantly or end it abruptly. After all we are a community that is very unique and that is highly misunderstood so in order to create a loving atmosphere we are all are accepted and feel comfortable then I truly believe and I can definitely see where a well regulated community where we all follow the board rules can be a home for all of us!👍
Hey @TG, I’m new here and looks like my avatar got connected to @beef_boolean’s introduction when I responded to him.
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