Freezing sperm just in case.

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I wanted to just make a post in case any other younger guys that were worried about making themselves infertile. I just finished the process for freezing as a backup and it’s actually affordable. I have been worried about the worst case scenario with using AAS and I see a couple of fellow young guys on here so if anyone is interested, I can post the website that I used. Now if PCT fails, wife is still happy lol
Interested but I want a vasectomy lol just want to freeze some first incase
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It’s called sparre me (spelled like that). I used it because my wife is concerned about kids in the near future and I just wanted to have a backup in case my body doesn’t want to cooperate lol.
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You still can, the isolate only the good sperm that you have, in the end, it only takes one swimmy boy. . Last year I sent in a sample right after a test cycle and I had less that a million which is really bad and they were able to take a vial from that but I rejected it. I sent in a new sample this year and I got 5 vials from it.
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I didn’t have any good ones before ment doubt I have one now.
Wish I would have done that before starting trt. To be honest, I thought we were done having kids. We have 2 kids already (2 and 5) and we are both 41. Now I have had to stop trt and have been on clomid for 3 months. Hoping and praying my next sperm analysis has some swimmers.
I was told
I couldn’t have kids before I started using any gear
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