From Mr Average ... to Superman

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I feel it was dumb.He said it was all fake,he said he used 21 ga why would u use one that big,why would you buy syringes from fuckin Greece.Never mind the hard work he put it,he thinks it’s all from the juice.Wete not all Pros with 10-15 compounds in their system,not even @PHD has even half that in his system.This fuckin dude is a peckerhead.
This is Samuel Wilson fussell 30 years later. “Confessions of an unlikely Bodybuilder”/ which can read a bit fucked up if your not 45+ or have been in the " sport" since when the YMCA was the place to train and a place called Nautilus! COnfessions is actually funny and kinda sick, but hey there was lee moran with bloody nose falling over with a grand on his back. Bull stewart’s IPF record at 242 ( lean) in the American Drug free powlifting Association. There were examples of literary truth, different.
Looking at the pic in the article…that dude was a fat body… probably a year or so away from anything “ped”.

Douche bags making a living writing trash know no boundaries.
I believe i have read it…a long time ago. I’m going to have to reread it.
The fundamental issue I have with the obvious egregious stupidity of this article and its author is the erroneous perception it creates of anyone using AAS. It’s almost as if the guy intentionally did everything he could to mess himself up so that he could create a morality play, warning everyone of the harmful effects of AAS. This is a perfect example of what passes for journalism these days, viz., an ill-conceived, ill-researched, and ill-designed investigation into a particular area with the intent of developing support for a pre-ordained conclusion, all cloaked in a tone of writing that makes it seem objective and reasonable when in reality it is no more than a polemic. This sort of shit just perpetuates the misperception of AAS as being incapable of being used responsibly.
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In 1898, the US Navy battleship, the USS Maine, blew up while off Havana, Cuba, killing more than 250 Americans. The cause was never discovered. But the yellow press jumped to the conclusion that the Spanish did it deliberately .

Liek when that reporter went to Colorado when they went legal. She not being a person who didn’t partke ate a whole chocolate bar that 4-8 servings and thought she was dying. And wrote how bad experience it was.
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