SB Labs

Gastro Dr


Well-known member
Anyone been to one? Did it help?

Finally made an appt with a one that has stellar reviews at the end of the month. Sick and tired of my fucked up digestion issues. Hoping he will be able to help and I’m not just going to be throwing my bills away.
I did. Found nothing. They just give the usual change diet etc. @PHD knows how bad mine was. I am drinking shots of apple cider vinegar now several times a day and seems to be helping.
I’ve already gone that route along with probiotics. I honestly think I may have some form of moderate ibs. I’m gunna give this guy a go cuz people have given him awesome reviews. I searched for s good one that hopefully won’t just bullshit me. We shall see. I need something to give. It’s legit the one thing stopping me from being dialed in. It sucks and I’m tired of being bloated, gassy and comstipated (sorry just the truth lol)
Hope so. Man I use to have upset stomach after each meal didn’t matter what I ate. My new coach said my system was all out of whack put me on diff foods and put me on digest n fiber stuff to really help my system out
Damn you may have same as me bro. I ate chicken every meal for 2 years.

I switched to bison 3 times a day lean turkey 1 chicken 1 man my system got better in a week
Switched carbs up to sweet potatoes and brown rice. Now I’m on whitnpotaotes and jasmine rice for carbs and cream of rice pre and post workout
Fuck maybe I should try switching it out for a week. I eat jasmine rice as well. I have 2 meals with a lb each of it. Also eatboats with first meal and sweet potatoes. Then some Ezekiel bread. Usually it’s the worst after my first few meals which have the chicken. Fuck maybe I’ll hedk with my coach and see if I can try.