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Yeh you are right. Definitely need a small dose of dbol (5-10mg/day). That small of a dose shouldn’t affect the hair much.
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Yeah I don’t have the typical hair loss or receding from gear but I do notice my hair has a thinner appearance when I first get it cut its highly noticeable my fathers hair thinned out though I just probably sped up the process
anabolic_geek said:
Consider the deca only cycle. 🙂
Ummmm huh?
anabolic_geek said:
Yeh you are right. Definitely need a small dose of dbol (5-10mg/day). That small of a dose shouldn’t affect the hair much.
Do what now?

You seem like someone who takes an interest in their research… soooo may I ask where you are pulling this from?
Shiiiit. I think even the MPMD guy had to double his exogenous estrogen to have it acceptable on deca only. I’ll pass.
Yeah I tried rogaine before not because of gear though just cuz hereditary of course gear didn’t help as well but… It did seem to work but it left a nasty ass taste in my mouth… I quit that shit immediately…
In the early 80’s “D&D” was a popular thing… deca and dbol. It was the bro cycle that many many ran. It’s a wonder I’m not dead, there’s many that are. In “our” defense… we just didn’t know any better.

I’m sure @TBU remembers that foolishness.
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It’s a wonder none of you had heart attacks or strokes. Sheesh. That’s def a non starter for me.
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I’ve read somewhere on here about a smaller dosage of deca only cycle. Not mainstream and kind of looks good on paper but I don’t think there’s enough folks that have done it to draw any conclusions.

I’m about over all this multi compound multiple pinning stuff anyways. I got a handful of weeks left in this vial of primo. When that’s empty I’m throttling back.
yes, it sucks but I understood later that my body (every body) needs a rest (PCT) at some point…still in the long term hair follicles just does not like high T.
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