Getting asked the question


Staff member
So I’ve been pretty much a forever bulk cycle. IE I eat what ever I want. I’m still at 15% BF and a solid 265. 6’3” and here’s the kicker 56. So at least once a week I get asked the question. “Dude your huge… are you on steroids?” So I usually say nothing. And continue my workout. Or I go with the “No. I’ve been taking that testX that’s sold at GNC for 80 bucks. And MAN! what a difference!” I figure if your going to come up to some random dude at the gym and start asking if he’s “on the juice” you deserve the BS. Arnold used to tell people stuff all the time what he took to get big. In one of his books he told people that asked him, take 2 tablespoons of salt a day. Will make your muscles huge. Anyways. I’ve always found this annoying and noneya business. Now if you spend some time in the gym. Get to know me. Actually workout with me and say What can I do to get bigger, I may help you. I would have NEVER walked up and said “dude, you on the juice?” I learned by working out with the biggest fucker I could find. I spent 2 years working naturally and putting in time before my mentor told me “are you ready for the next step?” That’s when I said yes and was introduced to the PED world. Anyways. Maybe I’m just old school and see it as “pay your dues” not walk Up to you and ask what cycle you’re on. Anyone think I’m too much of a dick or should I change my ways?
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Naw definitely should have told him to take some salt lol. That’s why I listen to music loud as fuck I’m in my on zone disconnected from the world. They think if someone is on juice they aren’t putting in work that it’s a miracle drug. Yeah it helps but you still have to work your ass off to get big. If someone ask me I tell them to get big gotta lift big. Usually they won’t do it because they want an easy way out.
Not at all man, I hate when people approach me and don’t know me from a can of paint. I literally tell them to keep moving. You gotta be careful with that shit too man , cause alot of cops work out in the same gyms we do, and that’s the last thing you’d wanna do is tell LE " yea I’m juicing". I got 3 guys in the gym that I’m pretty close with and they know the deal, but other then that it’s no one’s business IMO.
Back in the 90s I used to fuck with people in the gym. “Watch out for Mr Natural over there” “Must be that new creatine blowing you up” Calling people Mr Muscle tech etc. But I was a dick. Until someone in my gym admitted it I gave them shit. Met a lot if good friends that way. Nowadays its more serious a subject but alot more people using. I just keep to myself usually.
I use to have a membership, and it’s not expensive if you look at all the other money we spend on things, but I go out of my way in most aspects of my life to avoid people,(except on here) and I’ve been acquiring gym stuff for a few years for my basement and will continue, but I have enough now to say things such as fuck the gym.
😂 all most. I tell people my dues. They are like get the fuck outta here. I pay 39 bucks a month. 😂
Yeah. It’s A chain out here. I got one 10 from work. And 20 min from my house. I can use any of them. 19 in my area.
I tend to stay away from the chain gyms, too many bro’s and ass hats there… I’ve been to some real shit holes in the last 25 years of working out… the couple powerlifting gyms I used to train at were the shittiest of them all, and it was pretty much common knowledge that 95% of everyone in there was on stuff, no questions, no lies. The couple of chain gyms I’ve gone to were ridiculous, everyone lying, including the husband/wife IFBB pros that went to one of them and insist they’re all natural… when I was still competing I was trying to set my garage up to be able to train at home, but after my hip injury I sold everything I had. When people at the gym I go to now ask, I tell them I’m on creatine, glutamine and HMB, and a steak a day multi vitamin… I get a lot of stupid looks 🤔
You couldn’t be more right and this is also how most investigations in gyms start with that exact question because the snitch is trying to relate to you and build a repertoire.
90% this probably is just some guy but you really never know.

Smart brother stay safe
I try to not tell anyone anything unless I know them. My old source was selling to all the cops in one of the commercial gyms around here, kind of a scary thought, any one of those ass hats would roll on him in a heart beat to save their own neck, and I could only imagine he’d roll on everyone else to save his. I remember one time when my wife and I still went to the golds here, this idiot kid who thought he was going to be the best Men’s Bikini (physique) competitor ever and was shooting some insulin in the locker room, some guy asked him if he was ok or was having issues with his blood sugar and the kid looked at him with all seriousness and asked “why are you asking about my blood sugars bro.” Stupidity at its finest! Don’t ask don’t tell is always the best policy
I knew a WWE guy that was dealing locally. One of his clients was a cop. When he got busted that’s all they wanted. He ratted the guy out and set him up for a large buy then got off free. No charges on him. As soon as he told me that was the last time I ever talked to him. Fuck that. A lot of cops and firefighters use. If my family was in a burning building I’d rather have some juiced up first responders coming in then fat overweight guys huffing and puffing lol.
I agree, I could care less if they use, I’d just prefer not to be on their list of fools to roll on when they get caught.