So I’ve been pretty much a forever bulk cycle. IE I eat what ever I want. I’m still at 15% BF and a solid 265. 6’3” and here’s the kicker 56. So at least once a week I get asked the question. “Dude your huge… are you on steroids?” So I usually say nothing. And continue my workout. Or I go with the “No. I’ve been taking that testX that’s sold at GNC for 80 bucks. And MAN! what a difference!” I figure if your going to come up to some random dude at the gym and start asking if he’s “on the juice” you deserve the BS. Arnold used to tell people stuff all the time what he took to get big. In one of his books he told people that asked him, take 2 tablespoons of salt a day. Will make your muscles huge. Anyways. I’ve always found this annoying and noneya business. Now if you spend some time in the gym. Get to know me. Actually workout with me and say What can I do to get bigger, I may help you. I would have NEVER walked up and said “dude, you on the juice?” I learned by working out with the biggest fucker I could find. I spent 2 years working naturally and putting in time before my mentor told me “are you ready for the next step?” That’s when I said yes and was introduced to the PED world. Anyways. Maybe I’m just old school and see it as “pay your dues” not walk Up to you and ask what cycle you’re on. Anyone think I’m too much of a dick or should I change my ways?
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