Getting to know the veterans

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Hey guys. So us newbies didn’t get to be properly introduced to the veterans.

I thought it would be nice to get some background on you all so we could get to know each other better.
Do you still use the same fitness program you used in the military, or have things changed?
I’ve power lifted most of my life. So none of the training I did in the Corps compares. I ran a lot more in the Corps. 3 miles every other day. Pull-ups and sit-ups or crunches. But powerlifting I learned from others. So to answer your question my routine has been variants of power lifting.
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26 years old. Enlisted into the Army in 2015 as a 12N Horizontal Construction Engineer. Did a few construction projects for border patrol and around my station but have yet to go overseas. I commissioned back in May and have another 3 years left on my contract. The physical training every morning is only good for endurance and increasing your cardiovascular system since all you do is calisthenics. The vast majority will not be able to go to the gym during the typical PT hours of 0630 to 0730. Needless to say, PT mostly destroys morale and forces soldiers to go to the gym after work leaving them not much time to enjoy in the evenings.
No sir, I am not a veteran

I have asthma and they stiff armed me, all forces when I was trying to get in…

Also I was speaking mainly of the veterans of ugmuscle…

When a newbie such as myself comes on an intro about themselves is requested, but we don’t get to know the background of the guys who have been on here.

I in no way want any personal info, more than your willing to share, but wanted to get to know the guys who are our leaders here on the board.
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Hi Sid. Just wondering if being enhanced is something of a norm while you are enlisted? I imagine it would help to endure and have energy while going through crazy crazy stressors.
Man Raphael. Crazy. Are you mainly bodybuilder now, strongman… Or something else?

They way I read this, I see you enlisted in 2000, are you out now?
Yeah he’s asking quite a few questions that aren’t really related to what we’re about, I get weird vibes. And you never clarified when a military vet answered your question and just kind of ran with it. But who knows maybe your just that Goofy lol
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So I am, yes pretty darn goofy. I am an extraverted and am a salesman by trade so I do like to get to know people, their backgrounds and try to connect where I can.

And yes asking to get to know ugm leaders and long time users who we didn’t get a chance to be introduced to.
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