Ghislaine Maxwell- Dead Pool

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August sometime. I think they’ll drag it a bit and report how bad she’s doing mentally in there.
I’m going with Sept 15th, she will be put on a tube and an induced coma for covid, will hang around in the hospital for a bit until she passes.
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Just put the bitch in a men’s prison and look the other way! They’ll keep her alive, and all that extra protein will keep her hair shiny!!!
I believe that she had enough time to get everything covered up she had her lawyers probably get everything taken care of and im sure that she made deals with everyone.
I don’t think that she will get taken out like Epstein.
They used a drone to watch the house and when they knocked down the door and she was already sitting on the couch ready to go she definitely knew it was coming she’s the real boss of this whole operation.
I’m torn on the issue, I did a bit of time, I’ve seen things done to people that I wish I could forget! I’m in no way condoning hurting a child, but in reality a lot of men that molest children were molested themselves. I think that suffering trauma like that as a child can cause that behavior as an adult! I don’t disagree that people who abuse children need to be locked away as they are obviously an imminent danger to society’s most vulnerable population, but a lot of these men have been horribly victimized as children, and continue this pattern of abuse as adults. In prison these men are targeted and suffer unimaginable cruel acts of torture. I will also add that I’m all for the death penalty for child molesters, if a person is deemed unfit to ever return to society, and it’s determined that a person’s crimes warrant a lifetime incarceration, then we should humanely terminate that persons life.
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I’m normally not a fan of a narc, but I hope she sings like a canary, when it comes to crimes against kids, there shouldn’t be honor amongst thieves.
I agree with you there, a true life sentence with no eligibility of reform should have that person put down.

I’m torn on feeling any sympathy towards them, I’m sure I’m biased as I was abused as a kid, never made me want to touch a kid, but is what drove me in the gym initially, vowed never to be weaker than the attacker again.
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I’m not sure this figure is completely accurate everywhere, as I’m sure the cost of incarceration fluctuates, but in my area, the average cost of incarceration is like 15000 a year per inmate! Think of the money we could save and the reduction in crime if people knew they would be put to death.
She won’t say a word now because Epstein is dead I believe that she had him taken out because now he can’t testify against her and the girls can’t testify against her either they probably never saw her
Also they could cut a lot of city jobs by having inmates mow lawns, shovel out old folks, and do trash pickup around towns, supervised of course.

If I was locked up, I’d do anything to get out and breath some fresh air, and work off time on my sentence.

There’s too much of an emphasis on incarceration and not rehabilitation. Especially for drug offenses.
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That sucks bro! I’m sorry if I made it sound like I have sympathy for child abusers! When your in prison having people like that mixed in general population just makes it harder! Your already in a tense environment, separating people like that just makes it easier for the rest of us! Like I said some of things I saw I struggled with. I’m glad you were able to work past that bro!
I agree with putting them in PC because I don’t want them in my pod anyway I definitely agree with you on that especially that there’s already enough politics going on you need to take that shit out of the mix and put them in the punk pod
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