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GHR vs. GHD...Possible option to target hamstrings

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Just ran across this fairly simple but very versatile glute ham roller. I think Titan also makes a similar one. This seems like a great way to save space if you are using a home gym primarily. I currently do a lot of RDLs and glute/ham kickbacks using an ankle cuff attached to a low cable. The main exercise I think this was made for is the 2 leg hamstring curl, but can also do reverse lunges as well as many other exercises including upper body work. This is fairly inexpensive especially when compared to a GHD which would just take up too much space. You can also add bands on either cross bar to increase resistance. Has anyone used one of these, or have any thoughts on this roller?


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Yup and that is just another thing you can use it for. I saw push-ups using one arm to push forward and then back to get in starting up position to work shoulders/lats more, or push it to the side as you go down for a more chest focused push-up. You could get 2 and use it for both arms to make it even harder. I’m planning to just get 1 and mainly use it as a supplement to isolate hamstrings better later during my leg workout.

Generally I start with back and/or front squats in the cage, RDLs, then go to lunges, glute/ham kickbacks, then end with barbell calf raises with 2 deep dish plates on the floor to get full range of motion. Will likely fit this in somewhere after the core squats and RDLs, but before calf raises. I do the standard deadlift to start off my back day.
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Here is a really inexpensive attachment for a low cable if you have one that works really well. Added a pic of a fitness model showing the kickback movement. 🙂 You do kind of look like an escaped convict with the ankle straps on. LOL


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Haha yeah that’s me, surgery went well. Planning to join the military. LOL, just kidding! I’m not opening that can of worms from that previous thread that was going a bit sideways!
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It’s a great piece for hip Ext/ leg curl, but not the same stress load as GHD. That said most people don’t have the space nor an extra $500 for a GHd . It’ll work for you just fine
Well look what showed up today! Looking forward to Thursday’s leg day to try this out, but going to mess around with it in the meantime. Mainly need to get the right form down for just the 2 legged leg curl using bands. Need to figure out which band I need and more importantly how best to rig it up…thinking about anchoring it to one of my power rack uprights or one of the storage pins. Eventually want to also start incorporating some weighted barbell lifts combined with bands for a little variety.

Sorry for the delay in providing an update. I wanted to get a few workouts in to really see how it works overall. It won’t replace your core lifts like squats, front squats, RDLs, but it sets my hamstrings on fire as I use it towards the end of my workouts for isolation exercises. It is extremely smooth as it coasts on nice “roller blade style wheels.” Even without attaching the bands you can really hit those hamstrings better than my previous go tos like leg curl with a dumbbell between my feet or cable leg kick backs. There still are many other exercises I want to test out on it, particularly the reverse lunge. Definitely recommend it if a GHD is too large or out of budget, though I’m sure that machine is the most effective, but this will work for me and is easily portable and can be stored out of the way easily. Going to add bands to it next leg workout to see how that works out.
Best set up for reverse leg curl with the GHR… just hook a band to it and a low cable hookup. Hamstrings are on fire doing these towards the end of my leg workout. Reverse lunges were also really nice…felt like I was working completely different muscles than doing the equivalent with dumbbells.
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