Wcr86 said:
Assuming all the Chinese hgh comes from the same four places as I’m fairly sure it does
Ok so there are a limited number of places that produce GH. But it’s not like a warehouse where everything is made the same, the pick it up and distribute.
As far as China, once a run is started the batches at beginning are most accurate and the quality will taper off. This was explained to me by an actual production facility there. Alot depends on cost and what who/ what they need to sell for.
Additionally alot of fake Chinese GH is going around and it’s nothing more than just peptides. These producers know they aren’t selling to legit companies half the time and the client can’t exactly report them.
In a personal experience I once purchased Chinese GH from one source I had. A few boxes of same brand and lot number. First one I tested wasn’t great but I was satisfied with it. It wasn’t my pharma GH but price wasnt that bad and convenient. Then I run another gh test on another box months later. It was garbage. It was GH still but very low dosed.
Never think that all Chinese GH is the same. It’s not and never put it past a producer to sell your source a supply of mixed quality gear. Let’s say you have Source A looking for a Supplier B who works as a middle man for X producer. So source A make a small order from supplier B to test the quality. Comes out good so he says he wants x number of vials from supplier at a special price. Source A is looking at providing a better selling point or making a higher profit. Supplier B also wants a profit and doesn’t want to lose the sale. Producer X will also want a profit. Different scenarios can occur but someone in that chain can fuck over the source and he won’t know until he gets complaints on an item. Not enough people test GH tho so they’re good on complaints. He has some people saying sides are good and showing ok tests. But not all kits are the same quality.
Now in my experience here the Chinese GH I got in above incident compared to results I got from
@OneQ , OneQ was nearly 3 times better then the Chinese stuff.
So let’s look at the actual value of taking 1-2 ius of a good GH, vs 1-2 ius of shit GH. Always test your GH and don’t just go by sides or trust your source. Unless they make their own which 99% of sources don’t, you run a risk. The source may have been fucked and honestly has no clue.