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Going through a divorce

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So, after years of me fucking up and overstepping boundaries…which i was so used to doing before we got together. I didn’t know how to love and accept love. What I thought love was mainly a physical thing and not emotional.
First 3 years I kept in contact with people from my past as I used to do, then finally realized i was overstepping, I was also immigrating to Canada at this time.
We were instantly Fire and Ice…She is negative and over-thinking… where I am always happy and take things as they come, and that’s from me being homeless for 15 years.
After so long it took its toll on me with the constant put-downs and controlling ways, one day i came home from work and told her i was leaving.
I left…and was instantly branded a cheater and liar even though i wasn’t seeing anyone … i just couldn’t be with her at the time.
So after a month of talking ,i had book a vacation in florida took her with me, and decided we should try one more time.
Came back and moved to another city with nothing but a van of clothes and a computer and tools.
It was good at the start…but quickly we both fell into the same habits…I got her a job with me, and heard her non-stop putting people down or complaining and judging. She got fired.
While all this is happening we barely had sex due to me…not her. If we did do anything it would be multiple times a week and then nothing for months and months.
I didn’t do anything wrong the past 8 years this go around except not show her the affection she needed.
She isn’t to blame… although she lied about stupid things, nagged, and judged the fuck out of every single thing anyone did around her… she loved me more than i deserved.
I eventually made friends with a family ( grandmother, daughter her husband, and kids) in an apartment…that at times needed a ride to the mechanics
Anyone that knows European people knows that after you know them they’ll always offer coffee or cake at noon, I was invited to the 16th bday party of the niece… so I popped up and I was asked to video and send it… so they have multiple copies…there a half-hour with the entire family and left.
On another occasion, grandmother offers coffee at noon…so i sat down and the niece called and the aunt sat down and took a selfie with me and sent it to her and me. Remember the lady is married…
So on my bday, she sent a photo of a photo of her and her daughter. to me and wished me a happy bday.
So not thinking anything of it I never deleted anything.
The lady’s husband came beating on my door at 1 30 in the morning and my wife answered…he was yelling and screaming that I was up there fucking his wife…but she knew I was in bed.
this past Saturday the wife asked to look through my phone ask she suspected me of cheating since we didn’t have sex in a year.
Of course, i had nothing but she saw the photos and without any context, it looked really bad. and decided i was cheating.
Mentioned I was looking to buy shoes which meant I was trying to impress a lady…then found hemorrhoid tuck and suppositories, figured i was gay…ect ect
Now don’t get me wrong. Our relationship was a train wreck for a long time… but we held on and held on.
But i got tired of hearing how I’m wasting her life but not being more affectionate…and so many other crappy things.
So she also has pancreas issues and hasn’t worked in over a year and a half… and came up with a thousand excuses not to work… so she is basically broke. Even her kids told her to work and save money obviously is wasn’t working out… as she slept in a separate bed in the other room for almost 3 years.
I feel absolutely horrible she believes I did something and I’m trying to salvage some type of relationship with her kids as i raised them 16 years. but she telling them all kinds of shit that makes no sense, and telling them and her FB friends and our neighbors that I am kicking her out broke and sick, even though I didn’t.
Everyone thinks it’s the best… but I find it hard… after 16 years. I know it’s a comfort issue too.
I’m hurting boys …and honestly at 47… haven’t been single in 20+ years im scared.
Thanks for listening
That was a lot to digest, wish there was more I could do for you buddy…It takes two to tango,keep in mind it’s not all your fault.It appears she doesnt want to listen to anyone.She wants to wallow In her own self pity.
It’s time to move on,maybe take some time for yourself,dont be in a rush to find someone.
Relationships are a lot of work and I’m struggling myself but we are making progress. I couldn’t do not having sex for a year. The first month I’d of said something by the sixth month I’d a been long gone.
After 25 years with the same woman, 23 married, my ex decided to hang out with a bunch of divorced 40 year olds that were fuck bunnies at the local bar. She fucked around and I found out. I tried to figure out a way to fix things but she wanted to live “on her own”. I didn’t date or go out during our separation. But she was a cum dumpster. I don’t know what happened. Just decided to “live her own life” 8 years later, I’m married to a great woman and love her. She actually loves me back. She’s a bit jealous, but that’s a small problem. My ex, I talked to her but it always ended badly. I would get upset and just get angry. 4 kids, deployments and taking care of them all. Now, she got I engaged the day I got married. She’s a narcissist and age isn’t treating her well. She still talks to my family like it’s cool. But won’t just go away. Like she still wants the past. I’m better off without her. My daughter says “in the long run you dodged a bullet” and my kids even see her crazy eyes now. I was 50. I was sure I would die alone. I was sure that the gods hated me. But the day of my divorce “no shit it’s September 11th” I met my future wife. Was the most awkward meeting. I had been out of the game 25 years. After we met. I said hello. And turned around and sat back down with my brothers. She walked over said “I’m leaving now” I was like. “Should I give you my number?” She was like “oh honey… how about I give you mine”. And left. That was a Friday night. Sunday morning I texted some stupid shit like “hey. I met you Friday night. Do you remember me?” She replied. Once I shook off the rust, it became easy to talk to her. We decided to meet to watch a football game at one of my brothers bar. We dated and traveled for 4 years. I was afraid to ask her to marry me. She told me, I’ll be waiting for you. But not forever. 😂 that. Next month. Four year after we met. I asked her to marry me. I just realized. It wasn’t anything I’ve done in the past. It was my ex. All of it. Years of manipulating me. Using sex as a incentive or a weapon. Was 3 years at one stretch no sex. I never cheated. While I could have, I thought. If I did it would kill her. Well she almost killed me by cheating. Thank the gods for my children. For if it wasn’t for them, I’d have eaten a lead pez. The moral of my life story is. Expect the unexpected. And choose when you want to move forward. You’ll be fine. Take a break and be a bit selfish. Do things you wouldn’t do on a whim. I went to DC on a no shit text from an old friend to hang out. Talked on a Friday morning. By Friday afternoon I was in DC for a weekend. What a great fucking time. Enjoy life. Because we only get one chance. And bring miserable will slowly beat you up. Trying to figure out why? Just as deadly. Learn from it. Grow. It’s worth the trip. 😁:+1:t3:
Thank you for sharing. You tend to forget that others are going through or have gone through this.
I have always lived my life to the fullest until I came to Canada. I was homeless and in prison, never cared for any objects …my joy came from learning and doing things. I have no family here and no one to talk to about this.
I came here and all the things i told her as friends blew up on me and still 16 years later judged, shes even going low enough that she said the kids don’t want me to be around nor around the grandbaby that I named… turns out that was a lie. a million small things blew up into this… it fucking just blows my mind.
I get an occasional text or call from both of my adult daughters…”dad, please tell me I’m adopted and she’s not my real mom…she’s a crazy b$tch dad”.

I just reply… I’m afraid not girl. That is your real birth mother…I’ve been telling you she’s nuts for years now. Hahaha

She too is not aging well and her life has just totally sucked since she walked out on us. Karma is a you know what… hahaha
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