Golden era of bodybuilding no test base

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I mean its all a self induced experiment so he could be on to something. But who knows. He said one should start with Decca only at around 500 to 600 range to see how it effects you to start. Me personally I couldn’t try it. I may do maintenance try dose test and a higher dose anabolic but thats about as far as I could reach with my given experience.
He raised e1 with high dose Decca and eq given the good effects of normal e2. Allowing him to get elections, build good muscle, but no bloat or gyno
I personally couldn’t do it but we all are just experimenting what works for one could be shit for others. I may go the low test route at a normal range will running higher anabolic which isn’t to uncommon. After I see th affects of that may Dibble dabble on to it. I recommend listening to the episode.
Test base or test as a base? Test base doesn’t effect me at all. Ace, prop, enth, and cyp tend to but not base no ester
While I’m on test I use proviron, , if I use deca, then I use adex and proviron,hope I made it clear
If the more plates more dates guy was correct about EQ lowering E2 this would have been a disaster. @Bigmurph remember we talked about that? It’s what lead me to testing all my EQ. I wonder what that MPmD guy would say to 1500 eq, no test and a steady e2?
The leaner I get the more that seems to be how it is for me at 1200 I was using 12.5 xtane e3-4d
The guys don’t realize it but the they had a base in the dbol that were constantly running so they had a good amount of estrogen conversion. I mean people get by fine on dbol only cycles all the time still
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